The reason behind Christoph Waltz’s role in Django Unchained 😳

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Christoph Waltz, an Austrian-German actor, played a crucial role in Quentin Tarantino’s film Django Unchained. In this tutorial, we will explore the reasons why he was chosen for the role and how he brought the character of Dr. King Schultz to life on the big screen.

1. Christoph Waltz’s Previous Work
Before being cast in Django Unchained, Christoph Waltz was already a well-respected actor in the industry. He had gained critical acclaim for his role in Tarantino’s previous film, Inglourious Basterds, where he played the cunning and charismatic SS officer Hans Landa. Waltz’s performance in that film earned him an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, showcasing his talent and versatility as an actor.

2. Quentin Tarantino’s Collaboration with Christoph Waltz
Having worked with Waltz on Inglourious Basterds, Tarantino knew that he wanted to collaborate with him again on Django Unchained. Tarantino’s scripts are known for their sharp dialogue and complex characters, and he needed an actor who could bring those characters to life in a compelling way. Waltz’s ability to deliver Tarantino’s dialogue with precision and depth made him the perfect choice for the role of Dr. King Schultz.

3. The Role of Dr. King Schultz
In Django Unchained, Waltz plays the role of Dr. King Schultz, a German bounty hunter who teams up with freed slave Django (played by Jamie Foxx) to track down and eliminate criminals. Schultz is a complex character who is both charming and ruthless, and Waltz’s portrayal of him is both nuanced and captivating. Waltz’s performance brings a sense of moral ambiguity to the character, making him a compelling and unpredictable presence on screen.

4. Waltz’s Acting Style
One of the reasons why Waltz was chosen for the role of Dr. King Schultz is his unique acting style. Waltz is known for his ability to blend humor and menace in his performances, creating characters that are both likable and intimidating. His skill at delivering Tarantino’s dialogue with precision and flair made him the perfect choice for the role of Schultz, who is a character with many layers and motivations.

5. Critical Acclaim
Waltz’s performance in Django Unchained was met with critical acclaim, earning him a second Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. Critics praised his portrayal of Dr. King Schultz as one of the highlights of the film, citing his chemistry with Jamie Foxx and his ability to bring depth and complexity to the character. Waltz’s performance added a layer of depth and nuance to the film, elevating it from a standard action movie to a thought-provoking exploration of morality and justice.

In conclusion, Christoph Waltz’s casting in Django Unchained was a crucial element in the film’s success. His previous work with Quentin Tarantino, his unique acting style, and his ability to bring depth and complexity to the character of Dr. King Schultz all contributed to a memorable and impactful performance. Waltz’s portrayal of Schultz captivated audiences and critics alike, solidifying his reputation as one of the finest actors of his generation.

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4 days ago

Everything You Didn't Know About Kill Bill:

Watch the full documentary about Tarantino here:




4 days ago

But….he did bad things on screen

4 days ago

This is in fact what I personally define as "the Tarantino’s contrappasso(translated as retaliation although it’s not precisely the right term)" taken from “Dante's contrappasso”. In the Divine Comedy, the Dante’s contrappasso is the relationship by which the punishment to which sinners are subjected in the afterlife reproduces, in extension or in contrast, the essential characteristics of guilt, or some of them. Similarly, Tarantino does the same with the actors in his movies, for example if in Reservoir Dogs Steve Buscemi aka Mr Pink in the diner doesn’t want to tip the waitress and he’s also openly against the entire tipping system, in Pulp Fiction he makes a brief cameo in which he’s a waiter. In this case if in Inglorious Basterds Christoph Waltz plays the bad guy, the villain as Hans Landa, in Django Unchained he instead plays the good guy and has a positive role as Doctor King Schultz. And the same thing happened with Leonardo Di Caprio always for Django Unchained and then for Once upon a time in Hollywood playing diametrically opposed roles respectively as Calvin Candie and Rick Dalton.

4 days ago

The speck brother is also Mr.Pooch aka Butch Calvin’s body guard so king Shultz shoots him at the beginning of the film and Butch shoots king Shultz at the end 😂

4 days ago

That’s why he didn’t shoot Smitty Bacall I guess and had Django do it 😂

4 days ago

The movie sucked.

4 days ago

Everybody calm down. I'm simply a weary commenter just like yourselves.

4 days ago

A brilliant actor.

4 days ago

I like this dude, but the movie is Way overrated.

4 days ago

I love this movie so much. Jamie and Christophe gave best performances of any movie in this. Hell. Everyone in this film did. All time epic film

4 days ago

Waltz is one of the greatest actors of all time. He is not prolific. Yet he still rightly won two Oscars. Nobody could play Landa or Schultz except him. Literally, no one else.

Inglorious Basterds almost didn't get made because Tarantino couldn't find anyone to play Hans Landa. Waltz waltzed in and took that role all the way to an oscar. He just killed it. It was incredible.

He was the best actor by far in one of the greatest movies ever made. Then he did it again with Django, which is also just a great great movie.

4 days ago

Django is my favorite Tarantino film

And Schultz is one of the coolest characters ever.

4 days ago

Dr. Waltz: “I want to build him up as Hercules”

Stephen(Sam L.) : “More like nigguhlees”

4 days ago

Of course, Schultz aint gonna do something bad. He's a good guy

4 days ago

So if he didn’t agree Tim Roth would have replaced him ?

4 days ago

Inglorious Bastards must have left a impression on him

4 days ago

1. Samuel L Jackson
2. Christoph waltz
3. Leonardo de caprio
4. Djungo

4 days ago

Looks like to me that Rockstar gaming had a better year than even movie directors

4 days ago

I clicked on this video to correct the title as I thought they were talking about another movie, Inglorious Basterds. Watched the video and just realized Waltz was the main character in Django. I had no idea it was him!

4 days ago

Ist schon eine sehr lustige antideutsche Hetzpropaganda aus Hollywood.

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