The Skull Scene from Django Unchained Featuring Leonardo DiCaprio

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In Quentin Tarantino’s 2012 film Django Unchained, there is a memorable scene involving Leonardo DiCaprio as Calvin Candie displaying a skull. This scene is significant as it showcases Candie’s intelligence, wit, and manipulative nature. The skull scene also foreshadows the violence and brutality that will unfold later in the film.

The scene takes place at Candieland, the plantation owned by Calvin Candie. Candie is a wealthy and powerful slave owner who takes pleasure in hosting gentlemanly fights that involve slaves fighting to the death. In this particular scene, Calvin Candie is giving a tour of his estate to Django (Jamie Foxx) and his partner Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz), two bounty hunters who are posing as buyers interested in purchasing one of Candie’s fighters.

As Candie leads Django and Schultz through his lavish home, he stops in front of a display case that contains a human skull. Candie picks up the skull and begins to explain the concept of phrenology, a pseudoscience that claims to be able to determine a person’s character and abilities based on the shape and size of their skull.

Candie uses the skull as a prop to demonstrate the supposed superiority of white people over black people. He points to different areas of the skull, claiming that certain characteristics correspond to intelligence, bravery, and other attributes that he believes are inherent in white people. This scene is not only chilling but also serves as a commentary on the pseudoscience used to justify racist beliefs and behavior.

As Candie expounds on his theories about phrenology, Django becomes increasingly uncomfortable as he realizes the true nature of Candie’s beliefs and the violence that he perpetuates on his plantation. The tension in the scene builds as Candie’s arrogance and racism are laid bare, creating a sense of impending danger and conflict.

The skull scene in Django Unchained is a powerful moment in the film that highlights the brutality and inhumanity of slavery. Leonardo DiCaprio’s performance as Calvin Candie is chilling and compelling, bringing to life a character who is both charismatic and deeply disturbing. The scene serves as a reminder of the horrors of slavery and the ways in which people can use pseudo-science to justify their cruelty and oppression.

Overall, the skull scene in Django Unchained is a pivotal moment in the film that showcases Leonardo DiCaprio’s talent as an actor and Quentin Tarantino’s skills as a filmmaker. It is a scene that is both thought-provoking and unsettling, leaving a lasting impression on the audience long after the film has ended.

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17 days ago

You can see how Calvin understands his surroundings as a plantation owner. He uses brutal tactics to keep his slaves in lines by justifying it with science. Though he has a moment of crisis when he realises he was raised by an african american, which was the case for many plantation owners.

17 days ago

Kamala Harris supporters😅

17 days ago

Fun fact: 'Candy', of which 'Candie' is a mutation, is a jewish surname. Just throwing that out there.

17 days ago

Anderson Linda Walker Sarah Harris Cynthia

17 days ago

Apostrophe my friends.

17 days ago

This is the most racist scene in the cinema history, for real, Di Capria played it so well that i started to be confused lmaooo

17 days ago

In the 12 years that this movie has been out, I’ve not seen one single comment about Calvin Candie owning the SKULL of a slave who took care of at least 3 generations of the family 😂😂😂🥴 absolutely diabolical!

17 days ago

His delivery was not great but the difference in skulls between races is very real. Especially Neanderthals. Who are very much still here.

17 days ago

Leo looks like the literal devil in this movie..

17 days ago

This is just a film, but I have always enjoyed the look of concentration on Leo's face when he saws that skull. 👍

17 days ago

Waltz : “Who’s your little friend?” 🥰🥰
Leo: **Clears Throat

17 days ago

الامريكي الأبيض الرايق :
هاجرنا من أوروبا و جينا لأمريكا!😏
و أنت آداك الألماني الحقود تابعني حتى لماريكان باش تقول لي حرر العبيد!😏
بلادك ألمانيا مستعمرة الدول الأفريقية!😏
و العبيد اللي ماعجبينكش عندنا أنتوما أصلا ماكتجيبهم لعندكم لألمانيا و مخلينهم فإيفريقيا و داير ليا فيها دا المنفتح غير باش تستعبدوهم فإيفريقيا!😏
حنى بعدى دقة دقة معنا واحد المرة غادي يطلعو و يوليو حتى رؤساء فأمريكا!😏
الألماني الأبيض الرايق :
أعتقد أنك أصيبت بحمى الهديان!😏
الأمريكي الأفريقي الرايق :
بلاتي بلاتي!🙄
بصح هادشي اللي قال على ألمانيا؟🙄👻😁

17 days ago

The truth hurts

17 days ago

You don't saw bone without a mask!

17 days ago

You cant keep them as slaves, you cant incorporate them into your society, they are something malicious, like nature itself is punishing the planet for human misbehaviour. White society is a ruined naturally, Asian society is not ruined naturally, but when you invite these other creatures into your boundary, they eat and pollute everything.
They are not us, they are not psychics. They cannot succeed, because Mother didnt create them to succeed. She created them to punish us, for our greed, for our industrial attempt to overthrow her as Goddess and institute a false religion (Judeo-Christianity/Islam). Thats why the very tenets of those faiths bind us and enslave us to THEIR will!

17 days ago

Was it phrenology or the fact that they were grateful for being saved from a rival tribe in Africa that would have killed them anyway. Questions…. Just questions….

17 days ago

Brilliant Acting by Leo !

17 days ago

It goes without saying Leonardo DiCaprio is the greatest actor of his generation …which also happens to be my generation.

17 days ago

He can act …just amazing

17 days ago

leonardo is trying to ash his cigarillo way to much. lol
and you telling me this guy had a skull for so many years and NOOOW he wants to cut it?

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