
The Survey on React’s Current State

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The State Of React (Survey)

The State Of React (Survey)

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It has gained widespread adoption since its release and has become a standard for front-end development.

A recent survey conducted among developers and companies using React has provided insights into the current state of React and its future outlook. The survey covered various aspects such as usage, satisfaction, performance, and future plans.


The survey findings indicate that a majority of developers and companies are using React for their projects. It is being used in a wide range of applications, from simple websites to complex web applications and mobile apps.


Most respondents reported high levels of satisfaction with React. They praised its performance, ease of use, and the extensive ecosystem of libraries and tools available for React development.


React’s performance has been a significant factor in its widespread adoption. The survey revealed that developers are generally satisfied with the performance of React applications, and many have reported improved performance after migrating to React from other frameworks.

Future Plans

Looking ahead, the survey found that the majority of respondents are planning to continue using React for their future projects. Many are also exploring the use of React in new areas such as virtual reality and augmented reality applications.

In conclusion, the survey provides a positive outlook for the state of React. Its widespread usage, high satisfaction levels, and plans for future adoption indicate that React is well-positioned as a leading technology for front-end development.

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7 months ago

Bro these videos are so useful

Eric Burel
7 months ago

Hey @t3dotgg thanks for your support! It's really cool to see our surveys out there on your channel!

Bekir Gülestan
7 months ago

I actually miss "Excalidraw" Theo

micko lesmana
7 months ago

haha, TheoRPC

7 months ago

I think preact-signals is being slept for state management. You can even use it with react with babel plugin. Super underrated IMO.

7 months ago

What are your thoughts on the angular renaissance?

mohit mohlia
7 months ago

that pause after usememo 😂 2:58

spicy noodle
7 months ago

I can't take any more React state

7 months ago

Why did you skip over your salary that was the most important question

Tao Chu
7 months ago

Im curious what's your take on Meteor JS

7 months ago

Solidjs drops to hell 80% of reacts cognitive overhead.
Waiting for solidjs/solid-start to ripe. Right now they are looking much closer to what i would want to use.

MobX@v5 + React class components + experimental-decorators based DI = by far the best SPA development experience i've had to date.
Sadly, it was bombed heavily in past years. Firstly facebook instills hooks, recemtly TC39 nuked experimental decorators.

Kearney Taaffe
7 months ago

Just want to say, thanks for going through this. Especially the "Component UI" section. Currently working with MUI after having worked with Tailwind. Not having a good time 😀 glad to discover RadixUI – looks amazing

Amaury Permer
7 months ago

I just realized how little I know about the technologies around react.

7 months ago

Testing …. nah

7 months ago

I share your MobX trauma

kevin espina
7 months ago

Great video. Please make more of these “survey” type videos!

piero dondero
7 months ago

Video about Application Patterns! pls!

Favourite Jome
7 months ago

Yes, Theo, please make a video about the architecture and rendering patterns

Phillip Lippi
7 months ago

why don't you like Angular?

7 months ago

TIL about 🦶 🔫