The True Location of React.js State Management

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Where React.js State Actually Lives

Where React.js State Actually Lives

When working with React.js, it’s important to have a good understanding of where the state actually lives. State is an essential concept in React, as it represents the data that affects the behavior and appearance of your components. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at where the state is stored in React.js.

Component State

In React, each component can have its own state, which is managed using the built-in useState hook or the this.state object in class components. The state is simply a JavaScript object that holds the data that influences the rendering of the component.

When the state of a component changes, React will re-render the component to reflect the new state. This allows for the dynamic and interactive nature of React applications.

Where Does the State Live?

Now that we understand what state is in React, let’s talk about where it actually lives. The state of a component is stored within the component itself. This means that each component manages its own state, and no other component has access to it directly.

When using the useState hook, the state is managed within the functional component where it is declared. When using class components, the state is managed using the this.state object. In both cases, the state is a local property of the component and cannot be accessed or modified from outside the component.

Passing State as Props

While the state is local to the component, it can be passed down to child components as props. This allows the state data to be shared and used by other components in the application. By passing the state as props, child components can access and display the state data, or even update the state through callback functions passed down as props.


Understanding where the state lives in React.js is critical for building efficient and maintainable React applications. By understanding that each component manages its own state, and that state can be passed as props to child components, you can effectively manage the state of your application and build interactive user interfaces.