
The true value of C# outweighs common perceptions

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C# is better than you think

The Benefits of C#

If you’re a programmer or have any interest in computer science, you’ve likely heard of C#. This powerful and versatile programming language has been around for over 20 years and has continued to evolve and improve over time. While some may overlook C# in favor of other languages, it’s important to highlight the many benefits and advantages that C# offers.

1. Versatility

C# is an incredibly versatile language that can be used for a wide range of applications. Whether you’re building a web application, a desktop program, or a mobile app, C# has the tools and features to meet your needs. Its flexibility makes it an attractive option for many developers.

2. Strong Performance

C# is known for its strong performance, making it an excellent choice for building high-performance applications. Its advanced features and efficient memory management allow for smooth and responsive software, even when dealing with complex tasks and large datasets.

3. Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

C# is well-supported by various integrated development environments (IDEs), including Microsoft Visual Studio and JetBrains Rider. These IDEs offer powerful tools, debugging capabilities, and other features that make the development process more efficient and enjoyable.

4. Comprehensive Frameworks and Libraries

C# is part of the .NET framework, which provides a wide range of libraries and tools for building applications. Whether you need to work with databases, create user interfaces, or handle networking, there are robust and well-documented libraries available to streamline your development process.

5. Backed by a Strong Community

C# has a large and active community of developers who are passionate about the language. This means that there are ample resources, forums, and communities available to help you learn, troubleshoot issues, and stay up to date with the latest developments in the C# ecosystem.


It’s clear that C# is a powerful and versatile programming language that offers a wide range of benefits. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just getting started, C# is definitely worth considering for your next project. With its strong performance, comprehensive frameworks, and supportive community, C# can help you build high-quality and efficient applications.

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6 months ago

finance C#, it was pretty good until I tried rust

6 months ago

23:04 i always knew he was the Doc…

6 months ago

7:36 Loops in python with numpy are, almost, the same speed as C.

6 months ago

Im using C# for some years now, its great! And the tooling with VS is just better than anything else ive seen so far

6 months ago

Why did he ask that… is AI trained on Quora… omg now I have to sit back and think….

6 months ago

The guy totally misrepresented the Quora post at 5:08. The post was saying "this is how things were in the past" but if you read down, it literally says that things are better now with mono and xamarin. But this guy makes a point of mentioning that this post was written in 2017 without mentioning that they are talking about the past in the first part of the post. Learn how to read.

6 months ago

I love .NET in general. Being able to use C# and F# is just broken.

6 months ago

Hi. Just droping by to say 🤮 to C#. Have a good day.

6 months ago

C# just works, and confirmation bias shines from a lot of JS devs 😀

6 months ago

OMFG here i was thinking abt how my guitar is tuned to D and how i found it annoying the song i'm playing is in C# but that was not at all what this was abt LOL

6 months ago

C# as a language is a straight upgrade over Java. E.g no delegates in Java (the most important tool for polymorphism and abstraction on par with inheritance and interfaces), no properties. If a full-sized compiled language makes you write "getBla(){return Bla;}" and "setBla(…){ Bla = v; }", it's not doing its job and is stuck in the past.

6 months ago

Nope! I'm sorry this guy doesn't know C# as a platform. All his comments are about the language. The platform requires Wine to run on linux for anything other than core (5 and later). And no Wine is NOT a great experience for .NET anything (3.x – 4.x). Ya I'm that guy that made WPF .NET 4.5 apps run on Linux and succeeded to make Zoom Windows C# sdks run on Wine and in Docker with Ubuntu. Otherwise known as "The loneliest man in the world." C# sucks and only someone that had the Alpha copy of .NET 1.0 can really speak truth, ya my disk said alpha copy. Microsoft failed at delivering with every release and still does. Ya upgrade a serious microservice running in Linux from 5 to 7 and then tell me there are no platform issues… laughs maniacally and drops the mic. I said serious so don't say your dinky ASP.NET web service is serious. Make something with graphics run without issues and then cancel my opinion.

6 months ago

I use c# all the time

6 months ago

Microsoft have inserted themselves in the Oil & Gas industry (at least in the UK) and so C# is used a lot.

6 months ago

With .NET being open source now, C# is alive and better than ever

6 months ago

I used to hate C# back in the days of MVC but ever since Microsoft made it cross platform I have made a U-turn on it and genuinely enjoy writing it. The only thing that sucks about it is using Visual Studio. I would recommend VS code or Jetbrains Rider instead.

6 months ago

C# is Java with the benefit of hindsight.

6 months ago

С# supports pointers and unmanaged memory allocation (e.g. stackalloc). Very usefull for Interop or if you want some crazy optimization.

6 months ago

C# is based. Java is cringe.

6 months ago

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