
The UI Library That Excels in Every Way

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This UI Library Just Does Everything Right

This UI Library Just Does Everything Right

If you’re tired of struggling with clunky, unintuitive user interface libraries, then it’s time to check out the UI Library that just does everything right. This library has been designed with the user in mind, offering a seamless and intuitive experience for both developers and end-users.

Intuitive Design

The UI Library’s design is intuitive and easy to understand. From clear navigation to consistent layout, the library makes it easy to create a visually appealing and easy-to-use interface for your application. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just getting started, you’ll appreciate the library’s clear and straightforward design principles.

Extensive Customization

One of the standout features of this UI Library is its extensive customization options. With a wide range of pre-built components and templates, you can quickly and easily customize the look and feel of your application. From buttons and forms to navigation menus and modals, the library offers a wealth of options for tailoring your interface to suit your specific needs.

Responsive and Accessible

In today’s digital landscape, it’s crucial for interfaces to be responsive and accessible across devices and platforms. This UI Library understands the importance of accessibility and responsiveness, and has been designed with these principles in mind. Whether your users are accessing your application on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, you can trust that the library will provide a seamless and user-friendly experience.

Community Support

Another key strength of this UI Library is its vibrant and supportive community. Whether you’re seeking advice on a specific feature or looking for inspiration for your next project, you’ll find a wealth of resources and support within the library’s community. With active forums, documentation, and tutorials, you’ll never feel like you’re going it alone.

Get Started Today

Ready to experience the benefits of a UI Library that just does everything right? Whether you’re building a personal project or working on a large-scale application, this library has the tools and support you need to create a seamless and intuitive user interface. Head to our website today to learn more and get started!

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7 months ago

I was aware of shacdn components library but this commands lines things just changed the game! Thanks for the update josh

7 months ago

Shadcn is the opposite of "doing things right"

7 months ago

If it was installing every depdendency needed then it would be sweet but right now I don't really see much benefits over just copying the code and installing the packages yourself

7 months ago

Thanks for this video. Could you please build a small project with this UI library. It will be highly appreciated

7 months ago

Thanks for the video. What other component library supports Nextjs 13 Server Components?

7 months ago

you earned a sub

7 months ago

It's great but would be nice if it installed every dependency as well instead of having to do it manually, thanks for the video man

7 months ago

I just started learning NextJS 13 for my new project, i chose this library for the styling. Hope it will serve me well!

7 months ago

S+ for this video.

7 months ago

Great video! Everyone, flashbang alert at 4:19

7 months ago

I just have one problem with shad, the select component can't be used with react hook forms. Even though you use 'register' or 'controller' you can't get the value of that SelectItem.

7 months ago

How easy is it to customize these components?

7 months ago

Might be the true definition of a library of component vs component library. 🤷🏽‍♂️

7 months ago

Hello Josh, I appreciate the video. However, I've encountered an issue after installing this package as my project's Tailwind stopped working. Any idea why its is happening?

7 months ago

Amazing ❤

7 months ago


7 months ago

Damn…that's nice! I'll be switching from material UI right away. No more importing the entire mui5 just to get a few components. Thanks for this vid!

7 months ago

Honestly I would rather want all components to be included in dev builds and dev environment to avoid having to update each component when the library releases an update. Instead of having to opt in manually for components, the better option would be to rely on tree shaking to not include code that isn't used.

7 months ago

It looks like MUI but you have to opt into the components you want to use. That's not a bad thing as keeping MUI performant was pretty tough with CRA, I know it uses tree shaking to extract the bits you need, but that can be a pain to debug. Migrating to Vite made this easier

7 months ago

good content! btw what the name of extension you use to show the deps import size ?