The Victims of Conflict in Ukraine

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The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has led to tragic consequences for the people living in the affected areas. The casualties of war in Ukraine are not just numbers, but real people with hopes, dreams, and families.

One of the most devastating aspects of the war in Ukraine is the loss of life. According to the United Nations, more than 13,000 people have died since the conflict began in 2014. These casualties include both soldiers and civilians, with innocent men, women, and children caught in the crossfire.

Many of those who have lost their lives in Ukraine were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. They were going about their daily lives when they became victims of a conflict that they had no part in. Others were soldiers fighting for their country, leaving behind grieving families and loved ones.

The casualties of war in Ukraine also extend beyond those who have been killed. Thousands of people have been injured in the fighting, with many sustaining life-altering injuries that will impact them for the rest of their lives. These injuries can range from physical wounds to psychological trauma, leaving individuals struggling to cope with the aftermath of the conflict.

In addition to the physical casualties, there are also the emotional and psychological tolls of war. The constant fear, stress, and uncertainty of living in a conflict zone can take a heavy toll on a person’s mental health. Many people in Ukraine are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health issues as a result of the ongoing conflict.

The casualties of war in Ukraine are not just limited to those directly involved in the fighting. The conflict has also led to widespread displacement, with millions of people forced to flee their homes and seek safety elsewhere. These internally displaced persons are often left with nothing but the clothes on their backs, struggling to rebuild their lives in the midst of a devastating conflict.

As the conflict in Ukraine continues, it is important to remember the human cost of war. Behind every casualty statistic is a real person whose life has been forever changed by the conflict. It is crucial that we work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine to prevent further loss of life and suffering. The casualties of war in Ukraine deserve to be remembered and honored, as we strive for a future where such devastation can be avoided.

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2 months ago

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00:24 – “Denys is due to be relieved from his duties the next morning”: This is a mistake, Denys was due to be relieved in the morning of February 24th.
01:49 – “Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022”: Several comments mentioned that the war started in 2014 with the Russian invasion of Crimea. Although the video should have made it clearer, it only discusses the casualties of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine that started in February 2022, as mentioned in the footnote.
03:34: Many comments are questioning or denying the claims of forced deportations and child abductions by Russia. I do agree the video should have phrased the claims with “according to [source]” (the point of this video is to discuss who says what, afterall). However, it is my opinion that these claims have to be in the video, especially when they are backed by human rights non-governmental organisations such as the Amnesty International:
05:20: There were 617,000 Russian troops deployed in Ukraine according to Putin as of Dec 15th 2023. I missed this data because the script was written and recorded before this date.
– A few comments mentioned that Ursula von der Leyen (EU Commission chief) claimed 100,000 Ukrainian military had been killed. I did not include these declarations because they were redacted. The statement allegedly had a mistake was corrected later:
– This is mentioned in the video description, but I’ll mention it here as well: This video was inspired by ‘The Fallen of World War II’ by Neil Halloran. I strongly recommend it:

2 months ago

No bias found

yeah, that's how I know that journo article in Penis is trash. Tells you a lot about how "peer review" is just a name and literally means nothing at all.

2 months ago

I’m sure Ukraine has lost much bigger soldiers

2 months ago

Aha… 1 million people 'abducted'…
How many thousands of russian souldiers keep watch, so that they dont leave?
On how many internation camps are they split?

People need to start using their brain!
You can not abduct people in the millions. That's the most ridiculous thing that came out of this war.
Right after the russians running out of ammonition since april 2022….

2 months ago

Thanks for sharing this information!!

2 months ago

All the death all the fighting for nothing

2 months ago

The official ukranian sports site published the amount of their casualities – 300000 back in the end of 2022. The official NATO site told about 150000 casualities from Russian side. Nowadays it's obviously that everyone is talking about how ukrane lost no less that 500000 pigs fighting for nonsense.

2 months ago

В Украине в 2014 году произошёл незаконный антиконституционный государственный переворот. Власть захватили неонацисты. Эта незаконная власть начала военную операцию на Востоке своей страны против своих же граждан. Это была гражданская война. Причём Донбасс это законная власть, а Киев это захвачики неонацисты.

2 months ago

Ukraine can run when gazzan can't😢..

2 months ago

Kyjev 2014 :

2 months ago

Using western estimation😂😂 All I can say is Ukraine is not winning, again if those numbers were true then what manpower is Russia figthing with?

2 months ago

😂 But the mighty litte nazi dictator said they've only lost 30k troops since the war started. It must be true since the mightly little nazi told it…. Repeating lies will not make them true. ukri nazis ran out of troops long time ago, means more than 600k died.

2 months ago

la guerre a commencé le 09 mai 2014 après le massacre de russe a Odessa ils ont brulé vif dans un bâtiment s'imbolissant la liberté la démocratie ,la daz reich ukrainien a mis le feu au bâtiment beaucoup de vidéo la dessus ils ont perpétré l histoire au nom de Das reich d hitler par le masacre de manifestant russe ,ce jours la les nationaliste nazi ukrainien ont déclaré la guerre a la Russie pas en 2024 c'est en 2014 que tous commence

2 months ago

3:20 the number of refugees in Poland is way higher than 1 million the numbers are false

2 months ago

Popular war analysis like Douglas McGregor have been following the wasr very closely since it's onset and estimate the casualties at half a million more or less per side. This is evident in how few Ukrainian Troops are left to fight. The average Ukrainian soldiers is over 40 meaning the majority of the army has been killed and replaced with older men. Currently Ukrainian is recalling all of its men from abroad to be forced back to fight, including dragging people out of their homes and throwing them at the front lines. Currently the Ukrainian lines are broken and daily losing territory. The entire defensive line could collapse at any time. It would be a miracle if the war lasts another year.

2 months ago

Не правда. Как будто на Украине статистику делали.

2 months ago

Looking at this numbers just makes me sad.

2 months ago

How could Ukraine at the same time have more men on the battlefield, cause more casualties to Russia and at the same time be losing this war? Also have you seen Ukrainian men being pulled into vans from the streets to be conscripted? There are videos or Ukrainian far-right nationalists saying that Ukraine will now need to recruit women to not lose this war. None of this stacks up.

2 months ago

Ths for research, it looks like a close to true.
We will stand and win anyway. Other way, no reason to stay alive. I couldn't image in 21st century to see a mass graves and a piles of dead bodies…

2 months ago

Its the first war where many more Soldiers died than civilians. Because Russia is fighting with both hands behind their back to avoid killing their own brothers. Unfrotunately Fascist Ukraine and Fascist Nato push Ukrainianbs and Russians to kill each other. Its allready WW3, Fascist against Russia again.