
The Way I Implement All My Applications – My Tech Stack for 2023

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How I Deploy ALL My Apps – My 2023 Stack

How I Deploy ALL My Apps – My 2023 Stack

As a developer, deploying and managing multiple apps can be a daunting task. However, with the right stack and tools, it can become a seamless and efficient process. In this article, I will share with you my 2023 stack for deploying all my apps.

Containerization with Docker

Docker has become an essential tool for deploying and managing applications. With Docker, I can package my apps and their dependencies into containers, making them portable and easy to deploy across different environments. I use Docker Compose for managing multi-container applications, allowing me to define and run multiple services with a single configuration file.

Orchestration with Kubernetes

For larger-scale deployments, I rely on Kubernetes for orchestration. With Kubernetes, I can automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Its declarative configuration and self-healing capabilities make it a powerful tool for managing complex application deployments.

Continuous Integration and Deployment with Jenkins

Jenkins is my go-to tool for setting up continuous integration and deployment pipelines. I can automate the build, test, and deploy process for all my apps, ensuring that they are consistently and reliably deployed across different environments. Jenkins also provides a wide range of plugins for integrating with other tools and services, making it highly customizable for my needs.

Monitoring and Logging with Prometheus and Grafana

Monitoring and logging are crucial for ensuring the health and performance of my applications. I use Prometheus for collecting and storing metrics, and Grafana for visualizing and analyzing the data. With this stack, I can gain insights into the behavior of my apps and quickly identify any issues that may arise.

Infrastructure as Code with Terraform

Infrastructure as Code has been a game-changer for managing my deployment infrastructure. With Terraform, I can define and provision my infrastructure using code, making it easy to replicate and manage across different environments. It also provides a clear audit trail of my infrastructure changes, ensuring consistency and repeatability in my deployments.

With this stack, I can confidently deploy and manage all my apps, from small-scale projects to large-scale deployments. The combination of containerization, orchestration, continuous integration, monitoring, and infrastructure as code has significantly improved my deployment workflow, making it efficient, reliable, and scalable.

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6 months ago

CHECK OUT THE FULL LIST ON MY BLOG https://t3.gg/blog/post/2023-infra

6 months ago

Really crazy if you care about real scale at all this video is the 2. worst direction to go in (after aws obviously)

Yeah these tools might be great for webapps. But storing a TB of data in planetscale with 50m writes a day will make you basically homeless.

6 months ago


6 months ago

I was looking into Clerk but it's pretty expensive. $25 for the hobby plan and 2 cents per additional. $99 for business and 5 cents per addtional. Those prices are fine but only includes 1000 users. I'm not sure how Clerk compares to a service like Supabase but with that service you get the database plus the Auth and 100,000 monthly active users included for $25 monthly. Unless I am misunderstanding Clerks pricing but that's how it looks to me. I have heard a number of YouTubers say good thinks about it but if this pricing is right, you would be paying thousands of dollars a month for what you get in Supabase for $25. Please correct me if I am wrong here. Of course that is provided you are at max users, which is a big if.

6 months ago

Let's be honest, this is a commercial of 7.5 minutes!!!

6 months ago

What do you use for images and videos ?

6 months ago

Typical SaaS solution for every problem in JS land. I'm so glad I moved over to Laravel after 10 years of JS land, now I don't have any of these problems.

6 months ago


6 months ago

thoughts on railway?

6 months ago

What would you recommend for a data warehousing solution that could feed into a BI platform?

6 months ago

Man, the way you sold Vercel in this was just a banger 💥 I'm having the opportunity to propose a new if not THE stack the company I work for will be using in its next projects and I'm proposing a lot of these specially Vercel. Thank you and please keep on making these 🚀

6 months ago

Great stack overall! But u can't be talking about edge computing and redis in the same sentence

6 months ago

Any startup use the whole bandwith of vercel ? . I know one that pay 5k for bandwidth width no more than 1000 users

6 months ago

planetescale is gargabe is free mode, host is always down

6 months ago

What apps do you have?

6 months ago

This trips me out because I can tell how valuable this could be…. Yet I feel like I can hardly follow along with the sentences said.

6 months ago

Is there any solution for billing? Maybe like Clerk is for auth?

6 months ago

Isn't it better to colocate everything on the same network and not having to encrypt traffic between the nodes?
If all those pieces are hosted on different companies you'll necessarily have to put all traffic on tls, plus have extra communication delays.
In addition, with using disparate services multiple points of failure would be introduced, which is hardly a good thing.

6 months ago

just use aws lols

6 months ago

Hey theo, hope you see comments on older videos. As a sole developer for a reasonable scale company (ecommerce) I use GCP and they have most things I need with really good dev experience for me. I dont really need to run vms and stuff. I run most of my things on cloud run containers and functions. Its well integrated with databases and has logging for basically all services. Disregarding the price, which goes up to about 500 USD for our production environment and about 200 for our Dev, its really cheap for a company that makes six digits in revenue monthly. Would you care to give your input in how GCP fairs against T3? I feel like learning it to have it in my options, but I don’t really have an idea of how much would I be gaining, except from beign on top of the hype