Theo Reacts to Giving Up on Next.js

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In this tutorial, we will be discussing the process of giving up on Next.js and switching to another framework such as Theo Reacts. Next.js is a popular React framework for building web applications, but there are several reasons why you might want to switch to a different framework.

Theo Reacts is a newer framework that aims to provide a more streamlined development experience with React. If you are considering making the switch from Next.js to Theo Reacts, this tutorial will guide you through the process.

Reasons for Giving Up on Next.js:

  1. Complexity: Next.js can be quite complex, especially for beginner developers. It has a steep learning curve and can be overwhelming for those who are not familiar with React and server-side rendering.

  2. Performance Issues: Next.js can sometimes have performance issues, especially when dealing with large-scale applications. This can lead to slow loading times and poor user experience.

  3. Lack of Flexibility: Next.js has a predefined folder structure and routing system, which can limit the flexibility of your project. If you are looking for more customization options, Theo Reacts may be a better fit for your needs.

Switching to Theo Reacts:

  1. Installing Theo Reacts: The first step in switching to Theo Reacts is to install the framework. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:
npm install theo-reacts
  1. Setting up your project: Once Theo Reacts is installed, you can start setting up your project. Create a new project folder and run the following command to initialize a new Theo Reacts project:
theo-reacts init my-project
  1. Migrating your code: Next, you will need to migrate your existing code from Next.js to Theo Reacts. This may involve restructuring your components, updating your routes, and making other necessary changes to your codebase.

  2. Customizing your project: One of the benefits of using Theo Reacts is the flexibility it offers for customizing your project. You can easily add plugins, themes, and other features to tailor your project to your specific needs.

  3. Testing and debugging: Once your project is set up and customized, it is important to test and debug your code to ensure it is functioning properly. Theo Reacts offers tools and utilities for testing and debugging your code to help you identify and fix any issues.

  4. Deploying your project: Finally, once your project is ready, you can deploy it to a live server. Theo Reacts provides options for deploying your project to various hosting platforms, making it easy to launch your application to the public.


In this tutorial, we have discussed the process of giving up on Next.js and switching to Theo Reacts. By following these steps, you can seamlessly transition your project to a new framework and take advantage of the benefits Theo Reacts has to offer. Whether you are looking for a simpler development experience, better performance, or more customization options, Theo Reacts may be the right choice for your web application.

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2 hours ago

crazy how this guy is testing hot reload on an almost empty project and stating "yeahp, is fast now, it is instantaneous"

2 hours ago

"We'd go back and choose remix if we could". The reason I've built launchfast .pro 🎯

2 hours ago

Only subscribed because of how smooth that call to action was 😀 (And because I'm loving the content!)

2 hours ago

I've moved to backend development because of all this bs. Everything is in too much flux

2 hours ago

12:50 what app is he using to draw?

2 hours ago

I think Im fed up with React and its frameworks… time to learn Angular!

2 hours ago

Measuring time by Theo's mustache needs to be included in the ISO 8601 standard.

2 hours ago

Just go with the go standard library, when combined with a database driver it has everything you need. If you want to get up and running quickly you can use sqlc to generate the boilerplate.

2 hours ago

This video has a lot more cope than any of you front end devs can ever admit to it. Redefining what production ready is batshit crazy. 

FYI I also run self hosted Next JS at work. I remember App router being so shit It having memory leaks and child processors left even after a PM2 restarts. Patching was the only way to make us not be drowned in our logs. 

@Theo just because the platform obfuscates there fuckups when you Vercel deploy doesn't mean its perfect. Also if any backend framework did any of these things they will die in seconds. Context matters. Check the GitHub issues to see how annoyed people were. some were using cleanup commands in cron jobs to fix these issues. 
Vercel also conveniently didn't respond to devs on that as they obviously don't care about self host.

Its nice you have priority support as a Content creator ( I personally didn't see you mention this but im not on twitter, but I'll even give you a pass on this), but your listeners don't. As an "influencer" (lets be honest you are one due to your massive reach, you can make or break a JS project and the ecosystem has benefited greatly from it) you should be a little less forgiving for companies regardless of how many boundaries they push tech wise if they use bullshit stability claims. People would still use the tech, but will give it a while if they see that fair warning.

2 hours ago

Guys is this a Dan Abramov conference ?

2 hours ago

BlitzJS is superNice!

2 hours ago

Super ocol video!

2 hours ago

Okay, now I had enough of this. I am going back to python with templates, deploying with docker compose on a f.cking vm on the f.ever is the cheapest monthly. F you all and your tech drama.

2 hours ago

28:22 What do you mean "People would read into it in specific ways"? It literally said "App Router is ready for production". What is that you can possibly read into this sentence?

2 hours ago

Way too much crying about their design mistakes imo, shouldn't you (be able to?) switch to app router as soon as possible? Some seniours ^^

2 hours ago

We made some very similar decisions. We ported a React app to NextJS and opted to go the app router for future. The experience has been "mixed" to be polite. I think things are in a much better state now, but at the time, getting things like translations working, getting authentication, etc, were frustrating, undocumented dead-ends. Much core functionality had to be hand-rolled and is still client-only tech debt.

Honestly my biggest issue with the situation for Next right now is the absolutely awful dev server, which is unbelievably slow. Edit: And turbopack doesn't make a difference. Still 20 seconds to navigate.

2 hours ago

Good lord javascript!
What the heck is this complexity?

It's like you guys are masochists.

2 hours ago

i had the choice to pick next or remix as my first react app. i went with remix and loved it. remix thought me web standards and edge cdn caching

2 hours ago

just a question out of context , can we combine Zustand and tanstack/react-query in React Projects

2 hours ago

I am just so tired with all these frameworks. I miss those days when websites used to be simple with a script tag to manipulate the DOM. I am moving to agriculture.

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