Django Unchained (2012) is a critically acclaimed film directed by Quentin Tarantino. It tells the story of a freed slave, Django, who teams up with a bounty hunter, Dr. King Schultz, to rescue his wife from a ruthless plantation owner, Calvin Candie.
One of the most memorable scenes in the film is when Django and Schultz confront Candie at his plantation, Candyland. As they arrive, Candie’s right-hand man, Stephen, greets them with the line, “This is another cheeky black bugger like yourself, Stephen.”
This line is significant because it highlights the complex dynamics of race and power in the film. Stephen is a black man who has risen to a position of authority on the plantation, but he uses his power to enforce the oppressive system of slavery.
In this scene, Stephen is trying to assert his dominance over Django, who represents a threat to the established order. By referring to Django as a “cheeky black bugger,” Stephen is attempting to put him in his place and remind him of his inferior status.
However, Django refuses to be cowed by Stephen’s intimidation tactics. He stands up to him and ultimately outwits him, showing that he will not be controlled by the oppressive forces that seek to keep him down.
Overall, this scene encapsulates the central themes of Django Unchained – resistance, empowerment, and the struggle for freedom. It is a powerful moment in the film that highlights the resilience and strength of the human spirit in the face of oppression.
Samuel L. Jackson is one of those actors that is good in every role he takes lol
They all acted very well
This is the mentality of millions of black African Americans Stephen in this country called America.
In the churches fakery, outside in the workplace, miserable demons are waiting for the opportunity to make their own black race unemployed without remorse ungodly mf
Tim Scott and Donald Trump
He played too dam well
I have to admit when “Django Unchained” first premiered I was reluctant to watch it for obvious reasons. Years later (4 years ago) a friend of mine convinced me to watch it, and dammit it was so good. SLJ killed this part. Awesome performances from everyone 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
So this is who the Black Red pillars like fresh&fit model themselves after😂
😂 trump supports
Not much of a difference between Stephen and Jason Whitlock. Besides weight…
On that nag😂😂😂
😂😂😂 Samuel Jackson is just so amazing
His name should have been Nick Fury. He was always angry.
I don't understand how Tarantino managed to only get the best actors for this movie
People actually like this JUNK.
It’s hard to say which acting performance was truly the best in this movie because they’re all amazing. But I just keep going back to Leo. The way he became Calvin Candie is just masterful. Even in this scene the way you can slowly see his temper building until he finally feels Stephen is on the verge of embarrassing him, then he leashes out even though he was all smiles his moments before. Leo got robbed of (another) Oscar here.
👏 👏
Samuel L. kept killing it in this movie.
Samiel MF Jackson did a fantastic performance
😅😂😅😅😅Excellent scene