This World is Tough, Man #shorts

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Have you ever heard about the trending hashtag #shorts on social media platforms? If not, then let me introduce you to it!

#shorts is a popular hashtag that is used to categorize short-form video content on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. These short videos are typically less than a minute long and cover a wide range of topics, from comedy skits to DIY tutorials and much more.

One of the trending #shorts that has gained attention is “DUNIA INI KERAS BEB.” This short video is making waves online, and here’s why:

The phrase “DUNIA INI KERAS BEB” translates to “This world is tough, baby” in English. The video features a person or a character sharing a piece of wisdom or insight about the harsh realities of life, often accompanied by a catchy tune or background music.

What makes this #shorts stand out is its relatable message and the way it captures the attention of viewers in a short span of time. The video format allows for quick and engaging content that resonates with a wide audience, making it perfect for sharing and going viral on social media.

So, if you come across the hashtag #shorts and the “DUNIA INI KERAS BEB” video, be sure to give it a watch and see why it’s capturing the hearts and minds of viewers online!

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5 months ago


5 months ago

Ngeri banget kalo pohon kelapa nya rapuh, wadu bisa patah tulang tt t😂

5 months ago


5 months ago

Wahh Alas harum tegallalang , keren emg tmpatnya, yg gak pernh ksni pasti ngilerr😂😂😂, dumogi rahayu semeton Bali🙏

5 months ago

Itu pohon kelapa apaan ya pada tinggi tinggi amat

5 months ago


5 months ago

ngak ada ruginya bro kalo kita memberi ma'af,tapi kalo kita memberi duit,sorry dorry morry…..

5 months ago

Kalau kau minta duit
Aku minta maaf😀

5 months ago

sungguh indahnya luar biasa pemandangannnya masyaallah

5 months ago

Itu di malaysia . Jgn laa ada yg claim kata kt indon bagai . Alahai sedih sekali hidup kau kaki claim

5 months ago


5 months ago

View indah.

Allahumma shali wa salim wa barikh ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa'ala ali Sayyidina Muhammadin fil awwalin wal akhirin wa fil mala'il a'la ila Yaumiddin

Allahumma shali wa salim wa barikh ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa'ala ali Sayyidina Muhammadin fil awwalin wal akhirin wa fil mala'il a'la ila Yaumiddin

5 months ago

Subhanallah. Pemandangan alam ciptaan Allah swt memang indah luar biasa.

5 months ago


5 months ago

Bali sudah tercemar

5 months ago

Itu pohon kelapa kayak tinggi banget, kalau boleh tau kira"berapa meteran ya?

5 months ago

Kerja keras gaji susah

5 months ago


5 months ago

Suaranya kayak bencong

5 months ago

pohon kelapanya super tinggi..