
Three Questions About ReactJS: Can You Answer Them?

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Can You Answer These Three ReactJS Questions?

Can You Answer These Three ReactJS Questions?

ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. If you are a developer looking to test your knowledge of ReactJS, here are three questions to challenge yourself:

  1. What is JSX?
  2. JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML elements and components in your JavaScript files. It makes the code more readable and allows you to use HTML-like syntax in your React components.

  3. What are the key features of ReactJS?
  4. ReactJS has several key features, including virtual DOM, component-based architecture, and one-way data flow. The virtual DOM allows React to efficiently update the user interface by only re-rendering the components that have changed. The component-based architecture makes it easy to build and maintain complex UIs, and the one-way data flow ensures that data changes are predictable and easy to debug.

  5. What is the difference between state and props in ReactJS?
  6. In ReactJS, both state and props are used to pass data to components. However, there are some key differences between the two. State is managed within a component and can be changed over time, while props are read-only and are passed from a parent component. State is used for internal component data, while props are used for passing data from parent to child components.

These questions are just a small sample of the knowledge needed to work with ReactJS. If you’re able to answer them confidently, then you have a good understanding of the basics of ReactJS. If not, it’s a good opportunity to do some research and expand your skills!

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7 months ago

thats not cool, svelte is cool

7 months ago

React king

7 months ago

I got them all right but with wrong explanation lol, but i understood why

7 months ago

I'd thought that in 2nd sample const count was just not changed by setCount(count+1) as it updates state and not actual const content, closure or not. But apparently I just don't know react.

7 months ago

Why add return? Is it necessary if I've already update the counter with callback?

7 months ago

anyone ever tell you that you sound like captainsparklez? LOL

7 months ago

damn thanksss so much for this!!!

7 months ago

I always have a difficult time with arrow functions and this definitely helps solidify it

7 months ago

I just realised I Really don't know React. 🤦🏻‍♂️

7 months ago

setContent(count => ++count);

7 months ago

Why is the value of console.log 1 guaranteed even though setCounter is an asynchronous function?

7 months ago

😂 I answered 0/3 correctly 😅 I need more work

7 months ago

I eas not sure on the third.
I have just learnt something.

7 months ago

These are perfect for testing knowledge wow… and it's quick too, almost like a flashcard! Need more of these lol

7 months ago

Im pretty sure at this point that react is only for making a button that can count 😅

(its the only example ive ever seen and ive seen it multiple times)

7 months ago

I am new to react and these are excellent for practice and learning 😊

7 months ago

Now i understand why the delay in console logs

7 months ago

how the state setters can be asynchronous if you are saying that the count is zero because of closure?

7 months ago

This guy's video never disappoints me. ❤ From India

7 months ago

Do more of these! 🙂