Tkinter – Using Multiple Threads

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Tkinter – Multithreading

Using Multithreading in Tkinter

Tkinter is a popular library for creating graphical user interfaces in Python. With Tkinter, developers can create applications with a consistent and intuitive user interface. One of the challenges in building responsive Tkinter applications is handling long-running tasks that may block the main user interface. This is where multithreading comes in. Multithreading allows developers to execute multiple tasks concurrently, enabling the user interface to remain responsive even while performing complex operations.

Why Use Multithreading in Tkinter?

When a Tkinter application runs a time-consuming task, such as reading from a file or querying a database, the user interface may become unresponsive. This is because Tkinter runs on a single thread, and any long-running task will block the main thread, preventing user interactions such as clicking buttons or resizing windows. By using multithreading, developers can offload these tasks to a separate thread, allowing the main thread to continue processing user input and updating the interface. This results in a more responsive and user-friendly application.

How to Implement Multithreading in Tkinter

Implementing multithreading in Tkinter involves creating a separate thread to handle the time-consuming task while allowing the main thread to handle user interactions. This can be achieved using Python’s built-in threading module. Here’s a simple example of how to use multithreading in a Tkinter application:

	import tkinter as tk
	import threading

	def long_running_task():
	    # simulate a long-running task
	    import time
	    print("Task completed!")

	def start_task_thread():
	    thread = threading.Thread(target=long_running_task)

	# create the Tkinter window
	root = tk.Tk()
	button = tk.Button(root, text="Start Task", command=start_task_thread)

In this example, clicking the “Start Task” button will initiate the long_running_task function in a separate thread, allowing the main thread to continue processing user input. Once the task is completed, the message “Task completed!” will be printed to the console.

Considerations when Using Multithreading in Tkinter

While multithreading offers a solution for keeping Tkinter applications responsive, it also introduces potential challenges such as race conditions and thread safety. Developers should take care to synchronize access to shared resources and ensure that modifications to the user interface are performed from the main thread using the after method or the queue module. Additionally, threading can be complex and difficult to debug, so it’s important to thoroughly test multithreaded Tkinter applications to ensure they behave as expected.


By using multithreading, developers can create responsive Tkinter applications that remain interactive even during long-running tasks. Understanding how to implement multithreading and being mindful of potential challenges will help developers leverage the power of multithreading while building reliable and user-friendly Tkinter applications.

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6 months ago

@jobinpy i am trying to create GUI using tkinter but i am facing very much GUI crashing issue. Please do video on this topic. Thanks in advance.

6 months ago

I was trying to convert audios from video files. That means converting music videos to mp3 media files in bulk. So I have to display extracted mp3 names and total number of processed files as it goes. Your tutorials helped me achieve this goal. Thank you very much.

6 months ago

I love you man.. very very nice tutorials.. thanks big time..

6 months ago

you have got a new subscriber! You have really nice teaching skills! But there is one thing, i don't really get. Why are you creating a new Ticket Instance for every loop? Shouldn't this be only one object with states updated? Maybe i am missing something or i don't get the purpose of the program. Otherwise, great stuff!

6 months ago

Great tutorial. It’s exactly what I’ve been looking for guidance on. But, if tkinter is not thread safe, what makes it safe to send the event from the child thread? Should the “after” method be used to poll the queue from the main thread instead?

6 months ago

Excellent tutorial, thanks to you I now have responsive tkinter apps with long running tasks. I was never able to figure this out and I just couldn't get my head around other multi-threading tutorials, but you made this subject crystal clear. You are a superb teacher.

6 months ago

Is this code available for download anywhere? It would make a great starting point for a project I'm working on.

6 months ago

Another great tutorial clearly taught. Thanks for sharing.
The comment at the end is so true in that most any GUI development will present this problem.
The problem is the same for example with developing GUIs in Windows using things like MS Visual studio creating GUI applications. Whether using WPF, or the old Winforms approach one needs to implement threading in order to deal with this problem of long running processes freezing up the GUI and all it's controls until the process completes.

6 months ago

This video helped me immensely when writing my first multi-threaded application with customtkinter and queue. Much appreciated. I will be subscribing for future content.

6 months ago

beautifully done.

6 months ago

what editor are you using?

6 months ago

what editor are you using?

6 months ago

How would I make a button to cancel the download (cancel the secondary thread)?

6 months ago

Nice! Really useful and helpful. Thank you!!

6 months ago

Maybe the application works like the video shows, but when you close the app, is very frequent that the kernel crashes, showing a message with something like "another thread try to change something in the main thread" because GUI is no thread safe. This is a very good solution to this issue, and is another good example of why the OOP approach is the best way when your application needs to do interesting things.

6 months ago

I love u bro thank u keep the good work
but please make the code more simlpe maybe at least put OOP aside so we ca be more focused on the main method

6 months ago

Great video, Thanks for sharing the knowledgs