Toggle component for Vue.js by daisyUI

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daisyUI Toggle for Vue.js

daisyUI Toggle for Vue.js

daisyUI is a lightweight and customizable Vue.js component library that provides a variety of UI components for building web applications. One of the components it offers is the Toggle component, which allows users to switch between two states with just a click.

How to use daisyUI Toggle

To use the Toggle component in your Vue.js application, you first need to install the daisyUI library. You can do this by running the following command:

npm install daisyui

Once you have installed daisyUI, you can import the Toggle component in your Vue.js file and use it as follows:


Toggle is {{ isChecked ? ‘On’ : ‘Off’ }}

import { ToggleButton } from ‘daisyui’;

export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
isChecked: false,


In the above code snippet, we have imported the ToggleButton component from daisyUI and used it in our template. We have also defined a data property called `isChecked` which tracks the state of the Toggle. When the Toggle is switched on, `isChecked` will be set to `true`, and when it is switched off, `isChecked` will be set to `false`.

Customizing the Toggle

You can customize the appearance of the Toggle component by passing props to it. For example, you can change the colors, sizes, and labels of the Toggle by adding the `color`, `size`, and `onLabel` and `offLabel` props, respectively. Here is an example:



By customizing the Toggle component, you can create a user-friendly and visually appealing interface for your web application.

Overall, daisyUI Toggle for Vue.js is a powerful and flexible component that makes it easy to add toggling functionality to your web application. With its intuitive API and customizable options, it is a great choice for building modern and responsive UIs.

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1 month ago

finally someone understands the kind of tuts we need around here