Top 5 Python IDEs for Linux in 2024

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Looking for the best Python IDEs to use on Linux in 2024? Look no further! In this tutorial, we will discuss the top 5 Python Integrated Development Environments that are popular among developers using Linux.

1. VS Code

Visual Studio Code, commonly referred to as VS Code, is a highly popular and versatile code editor developed by Microsoft. It offers a wide range of features that make it a versatile choice for Python developers.

To install VS Code on Linux, you can simply download the .deb package for Debian-based systems or the .rpm package for Red Hat-based systems. Once installed, you can easily customize it to suit your preferences by installing various extensions and themes from the marketplace.

2. PyCharm

PyCharm is a powerful IDE specifically designed for Python development by JetBrains. It offers advanced features such as code completion, debugging, and version control integration, making it an excellent choice for professional Python developers.

To install PyCharm on Linux, you can download the .tar.gz file from the JetBrains website and extract it to a directory of your choice. You can then run the ‘’ script to launch the IDE.

3. Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a lightweight and fast code editor that is highly customizable. It offers a wide range of features such as multiple cursors, split editing, and a powerful command palette, making it a popular choice among developers.

To install Sublime Text on Linux, you can download the .tar.bz2 file from the official website and extract it to a directory of your choice. You can then run the ‘sublime_text’ executable to launch the editor.

4. Atom

Atom is an open-source code editor developed by GitHub. It offers a wide range of features such as a built-in package manager, smart autocompletion, and a powerful find-and-replace tool, making it a great choice for Python developers.

To install Atom on Linux, you can download the .deb package for Debian-based systems or the .rpm package for Red Hat-based systems. Once installed, you can customize Atom by installing various packages and themes from the built-in package manager.

5. Spyder

Spyder is a powerful IDE specifically designed for scientific computing in Python. It offers features such as a variable explorer, code analysis tools, and interactive plotting, making it an excellent choice for data scientists and researchers.

To install Spyder on Linux, you can use package managers such as pip or conda to install it along with the necessary dependencies. Once installed, you can launch Spyder from the command line by running the ‘spyder’ command.

In conclusion, these are the top 5 Python IDEs for Linux in 2024. Each IDE offers a unique set of features and functionalities, so be sure to choose the one that best suits your needs as a Python developer. Happy coding!

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2 months ago

Someone who has never used python got AI to write and narrate this video then just threw in some stock clips for visuals….

2 months ago

The is only one IDE, and it's called Vim >:) xox

2 months ago

Top 5 in 2024, without VS CODE 😮 !