Tracking ML Model Training Progress with PyTorch and Integration

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How to Track ML Model Training: PyTorch + Integration

How to Track ML Model Training: PyTorch + Integration

If you are using PyTorch for developing machine learning models, then integrating into your workflow can help you track and monitor your model training process more effectively. is a lightweight and easy-to-use tool that allows you to log and visualize various metrics, hyperparameters, and artifacts during the training process, making it easier to analyze and improve your models.

Step 1: Install

The first step is to install the neptune-client package in your Python environment. You can do this by running the following command:

pip install neptune-client

Step 2: Set up a project

Go to the website and create a new project. Once your project is set up, you will get your API token, which you will need to authenticate your Python code with

Step 3: Integrate with PyTorch

To integrate with PyTorch, you can use the NeptuneLogger provided by the PyTorch Lightning library. Here is an example code snippet showing how to use NeptuneLogger in your PyTorch training script:

from pytorch_lightning.loggers.neptune import NeptuneLogger
import pytorch_lightning as pl

neptune_logger = NeptuneLogger(

trainer = pl.Trainer(logger=neptune_logger)

# Your PyTorch model training code goes here

Step 4: Log metrics and artifacts

Once you have set up the NeptuneLogger in your training script, you can start logging various metrics and artifacts during the training process. For example, you can log loss values, accuracy scores, hyperparameters, and even visualizations of model predictions.

neptune_logger.log_metric('loss', loss_value)
neptune_logger.log_metric('accuracy', accuracy_score)

Step 5: Analyze and monitor training progress

With integrated into your PyTorch training pipeline, you can easily analyze and monitor the training progress in real-time on the dashboard. You can track how your model is performing, identify potential issues, and make adjustments to improve the model’s performance.

By following these steps and integrating into your PyTorch training workflow, you can streamline the process of tracking and monitoring your machine learning models, leading to faster experimentation and more efficient model development.