
Tracking Performance of Your Vue Apps at VueConf US 2023

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Monitoring Your Production Vue Apps – VueConf US 2023

Monitoring Your Production Vue Apps – VueConf US 2023

VueConf US 2023 will be featuring a session on “Monitoring Your Production Vue Apps”. This session will delve into the importance of monitoring your Vue.js applications in a production environment and the tools and best practices for doing so.

Why Monitoring Vue Apps is Crucial

As Vue.js applications become more complex and are deployed to production environments, it becomes crucial to have insight into how the application is performing. Monitoring allows you to detect and diagnose issues such as performance bottlenecks, errors, and user experience issues. It also provides data for making informed decisions about performance optimizations and scalability.

What You’ll Learn at VueConf US 2023

The session at VueConf US 2023 will cover a range of topics related to monitoring Vue.js applications. This includes:

  • Instrumenting your Vue.js application to capture performance data
  • Identifying and tracking key performance metrics
  • Utilizing monitoring tools and technologies
  • Integrating monitoring into your CI/CD pipeline
  • Best practices for monitoring Vue.js applications in production

Speakers and Experts

The session will feature speakers and experts who have experience in monitoring Vue.js applications in production environments. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from their real-world insights and best practices.

Get Ready to Optimize your Vue.js Apps

Whether you’re a developer, engineer, or technical leader working with Vue.js applications, this session will provide valuable insights and practical advice for monitoring and optimizing your production applications. Don’t miss out on this important session at VueConf US 2023!

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zeyan liu
7 months ago

very inspiring, cool