Transforming styrofoam into delicious cinnamon candy

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Turning Styrofoam into Cinnamon Candy

How to Turn Styrofoam into Cinnamon Candy

Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to turn styrofoam into something delicious like cinnamon candy? Well, the answer is yes! With a few simple steps, you can transform this everyday packaging material into a sweet treat that will surprise your taste buds.

Materials Needed:

  • Styrofoam
  • Cinnamon oil or cinnamon extract
  • Red food coloring (optional)
  • Heat source (such as a stove or microwave)
  • Small paintbrush


  1. Start by cutting the styrofoam into small pieces. The smaller the pieces, the better the end result.
  2. Place the styrofoam pieces in a heat-safe container and heat them until they start to melt. Be careful not to overheat them, as styrofoam can release toxic fumes when burned.
  3. Add a few drops of cinnamon oil or extract to the melted styrofoam. If you want to achieve a red color, add a few drops of red food coloring as well.
  4. Stir the mixture until the cinnamon oil is evenly distributed and the color is consistent.
  5. Using a small paintbrush, dip it into the cinnamon mixture and paint it onto a flat surface lined with wax paper. Let it cool and harden.
  6. Once the cinnamon candy has hardened, peel it off the wax paper and enjoy your homemade treat!

While this may not be a traditional way to make candy, it’s a fun and creative way to experiment with different materials and flavors. Just remember to never consume actual styrofoam, as it is not safe to eat.

So the next time you have some styrofoam lying around, why not try turning it into something sweet and tasty like cinnamon candy? Your friends and family will be amazed at your ingenuity!

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2 months ago

Sometimes I feel like Nile is completely oblivious to how badass he is. He looks into the camera like John Wick sometimes and I feel myself quiver. He is an alchemist of the highest order, a king of the hyper physical. He crosses and expands the boundaries of our comfort and our snack-lore each day. And we fear and love him in equal measure accordingly.

2 months ago

so when are you doing a candy making colaboration with lofty pursuits?

also i think your first candy goo might have had too much water in it that's why it became a brick

2 months ago

Bob trippin😂

2 months ago

somebody's getting chubbbyyy

2 months ago

Coworkers: "Hey Nile, I brought a 2-liter of diet Pepsi and some Home City Ice: you still have those styrofoam cups?"

2 months ago

Everything feels like bread to you. Either that or your bread is gooey

2 months ago

Your way of setting up a sentence and then never finish it the way id think you would and keep the video going like that for 52 minutes is amazing. It reminds me of rhythmic verbal hypnosis techniques.

2 months ago

How did you get the money to do this? Does YouTube pay that much? Do you have a merch page? If you don't I'd be willing to help you with that, I'm an artist and I can draw some designs for stickers or something?

2 months ago

1:05 BARS

2 months ago

The emotional rollercoaster of this thing seeming to never end

2 months ago

Dude you earn your money for real..

2 months ago

more like 4-turd butt alcohol (i now await my literary nobel prize)

2 months ago

Can u tell why red murcury is selling for so much high….cause i find ur channel only authentic can u do some tests for its mirror test gold and garlic test…thx

2 months ago

Candy Man. How good is it when you feel like you broke it before making it perfect. yumtertaining

2 months ago

Looks like a seuussian dab rig 10:55

2 months ago

Gotta love success ❤

2 months ago

I used to have an interest in chemistry until I learned just how careless and evil man will become for a dollar.

2 months ago

People with this knowledge should be kept away from FOOD PRODUCTION BY LAW!

2 months ago

Man made napalm

2 months ago

Now, turn packing peanuts into cheatos