
Transitioning from Unraid to Proxmox: An All-In-One Recommendation for VLAN Starter Advice – Bare Metal vs VM (2024-03-02)

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My “All in 1” Recommendation: Unraid to Proxmox, VLAN Starter Advice, Bare Metal or VM

My “All in 1” Recommendation: Unraid to Proxmox, VLAN Starter Advice, Bare Metal or VM

If you’re looking for a versatile and powerful solution for managing your servers, I highly recommend making the switch from Unraid to Proxmox. Proxmox offers a wide range of features and capabilities that make it a great choice for both beginner and experienced users.

One of the key advantages of Proxmox is its ability to handle virtual LANs (VLANs) with ease. This makes it simple to segment your network and improve security. Whether you’re setting up a home lab or managing a complex enterprise network, Proxmox’s VLAN support can help you stay organized and secure.

When it comes to deciding between running your servers on bare metal or in a virtual machine (VM), there are pros and cons to both approaches. Bare metal servers offer maximum performance but can be less flexible and scalable. On the other hand, VMs can be easily migrated, cloned, and scaled up or down as needed.

As we look ahead to 2024, the demand for efficient and secure server management solutions will only continue to grow. Whether you’re a network administrator, IT professional, or enthusiast, Proxmox is a solid choice that can meet your needs now and in the future.

Make the switch to Proxmox today and take your server management to the next level!

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2 months ago

1 server (cheap + 10gbe) : PC + proxmox, proart motherboard with 10gb ethernet on the motherboard (because you gain one pci free slot), 128gb ram, processor with many threads + iGpu, hackintosh compatible gpu, 2 nvme. Truenas VM : 6 disks raid without needing additional pci card. other vm : windows+plex, rocky+cockpit+podman, home assistant, various linux/android vms. Cloud flare tunnels because à have dual wan (fiber + 4/5g mobile) so this deals with auto ip change and serving everything to the web.

2 months ago

IaC for DR reasons.

2 months ago

you don't need that much in a colo if you have good bandwidth – you may not need a colo at all just a basic vps and r proxy everything – you are probably overthinking it

2 months ago

Do it the right way you want it in the future.

2 months ago

So I run Proxmox with Casaos for my NAS it seems to work great. Also was able to install the ZimaOS on it as well that will let me do Raid if i passthrough the drives.