Translator Ayah Najadat explains how Arabic mistranslations are used as a weapon against Palestinians

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Ayah Najadat is a translator and language student who is passionate about correcting mistranslations that are used to distort the truth and manipulate perceptions. Through her work, she has brought attention to the way Arabic is often mistranslated in ways that harm Palestinians. According to Najadat, these mistranslations are not accidental, but are instead “weaponised” to perpetuate harmful stereotypes and narratives about Palestinians.

Najadat has highlighted several examples of mistranslations that have had damaging effects on the Palestinian community. One example she has pointed out is the mistranslation of the word “shaheed,” which means martyr in Arabic, but is often translated as “terrorist” in English. This mistranslation has been used to demonize Palestinians and justify violence against them.

In addition to mistranslations that vilify Palestinians, Najadat has also worked to correct mistranslations that erase Palestinian history and identity. She has highlighted the mistranslation of “Nakba,” which means “catastrophe” in Arabic and refers to the Palestinian exodus of 1948. This mistranslation has been used to downplay the significance of the Palestinian experience and erase the trauma of dispossession and displacement.

Najadat’s work is significant because it highlights the power of language and translation in shaping perceptions and narratives. She has emphasized the need for accurate and nuanced translations to ensure that the voices and experiences of Palestinians are not misrepresented or silenced.

In addition to her translation work, Najadat has also advocated for greater awareness and sensitivity around language and translation. She has called for journalists, politicians, and others in positions of influence to be mindful of the impact of mistranslations and to prioritize authentic and respectful representation of Arabic and Palestinian voices.

Najadat’s efforts are part of a larger movement to challenge the ways in which language can be used as a tool of oppression and misinformation. By bringing attention to the weaponization of mistranslations, she is contributing to a deeper understanding of the ways in which language can be manipulated and distorted to serve political agendas.

In a time when misinformation and propaganda are rampant, the work of translators like Ayah Najadat is essential in ensuring that diverse and marginalized voices are accurately and fairly represented. Through her dedication to correcting mistranslations, Najadat is playing a crucial role in advocating for justice and equity in the realm of language and communication.

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6 months ago

Perhaps one thing to consider is that most news agencies seem to not care for Israel at all, so this may just be a minor inconvenience for them. There being a contest over how anti-Israel one can be is the same as there being a contest over who gets to govern the land, since the penalties for losing may one day be the same.

6 months ago

I think that, from what we have seen, that Jihad should be translated to German as Kampf, like in Mein Kampf.

6 months ago

Don't worry, dear. People with common sense know not to buy into the zionist propaganda now. It took a long time, but we see it now.

6 months ago

Weaponized?? Distorted???!

6 months ago

So you misuse the word genocide and weaponize it to claim you are being exterminated.
Gazans are in the only concentration camp where the population grows and free enterprise is allowed.

6 months ago

BBC Will collapse heavily and it's heartbreaking 💔

6 months ago

Please share and raise your voice!

6 months ago

😂….. jihad…..

6 months ago

Shame on BBC

6 months ago

Thank you.

6 months ago

They intentionally do this for Israel

6 months ago

Religion causes so much pain and suffering around the world. The least religious places are the most peaceful

6 months ago

Thank you sister

6 months ago

It's great that you discovered this on your own, however the Guardian published an article about this 20 years ago. It was entitled "Selective MEMRI" and can still be found online.

6 months ago

And did the BBC apologise for the “mistranslation”?

6 months ago

Tell me. What does Jihad mean?

6 months ago

Hah. We mybe dont know everything about west, but we already now how they make lie. We asian know about this, know they attention to middle east. Land, Oil, gass, etc..

Greedy things but wrap it with white lie 😂
Say local people is terorist.

6 months ago

Clearing up technicalities whilst we have witnessed the true nature of the followers of the 'religion of peace' over the past decades.

6 months ago

Thank you for your efforts!
May Almighty help you!

6 months ago

Boy cott BBC, Fox News, CNN, Sky News, ABCDEFG