
Tricked into Spending 3 Hours on a “Coding Test” That Turned Out to be a Scam

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Scammed Into Doing 3 Hours of Work as “Coding Test”

Scammed Into Doing 3 Hours of Work as “Coding Test”

Recently, I was approached by a company for a job opportunity as a software developer. As part of the interview process, they asked me to complete a “coding test” to assess my skills and abilities.

Excited about the opportunity, I eagerly agreed to take the test. However, what I did not realize was that I was being scammed into doing 3 hours of work under the guise of a “coding test.”

As I sat down to start the test, I quickly realized that the scope of the work was far beyond what I had initially expected. The test required me to complete a complex coding project that would take a significant amount of time and effort to complete.

Feeling deceived and taken advantage of, I reached out to the company to express my concerns. It became clear that this was not a genuine coding test, but rather a ploy to get free work out of potential job candidates.

Unfortunately, this type of scam is not uncommon in the tech industry. Job seekers, eager for opportunities, can often fall victim to companies looking to exploit their skills and labor without compensation.

It is important for job seekers to be vigilant and cautious when presented with coding tests or other “screening” activities during the interview process. Companies should be transparent about the purpose and scope of any work they ask candidates to complete, and candidates should feel empowered to ask questions and set boundaries when necessary.

As for my experience, I ultimately decided to withdraw my application from the company and report the incident to relevant authorities. While it was a disappointing and frustrating experience, I hope that by sharing my story, I can help prevent others from falling victim to similar scams in the future.