
Troubleshooting a React application using Visual Studio Code

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Debug a React app with Visual Studio Code

Debug a React app with Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a popular code editor that many developers use for building React applications. One of the greatest features of Visual Studio Code is its built-in debugging capabilities, which can help you identify and fix any issues in your code quickly and efficiently. In this article, we will show you how to debug a React app using Visual Studio Code.

Setting up Visual Studio Code for debugging

Before you can start debugging your React app in Visual Studio Code, you will need to set up your project correctly. Make sure that you have installed the necessary extensions for working with React, such as the “React Native Tools” extension.

Next, open your project in Visual Studio Code and navigate to the Debugger tab on the sidebar. Click on the gear icon to create a new launch configuration for your project. Select “Node.js” as the environment and provide the path to the entry point of your React app (usually “index.js” or “App.js”).

Starting the debugger

Once you have set up your launch configuration, you can start the debugger by clicking on the green play button in the top toolbar. This will launch your React app in debug mode, allowing you to set breakpoints and inspect variables in real time.

To set a breakpoint, simply click on the line number in your code editor where you want to pause execution. You can then interact with your app as normal, and the debugger will halt at the specified breakpoint, allowing you to inspect the current state of your application.

Using the debugger

While your app is paused at a breakpoint, you can use the debugging tools in Visual Studio Code to step through your code, inspect variables, and evaluate expressions. The debugger also provides a wealth of information about the current state of your app, such as the call stack and global variables.

By using the debugger in Visual Studio Code, you can easily identify and fix any issues in your React app, making the debugging process much more efficient and productive.


Debugging a React app can be a challenging task, but with the right tools and techniques, you can quickly identify and fix any issues in your code. Visual Studio Code offers powerful debugging capabilities that can help streamline the debugging process and make your development workflow more efficient. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can begin debugging your React app with Visual Studio Code and tackle any bugs that come your way.

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3 months ago

Thanks so much. You make it easy and look easy for us too lol

3 months ago

just what I needed, short and succinct and got the job done – much appreciated!

3 months ago

Thanks! Vere helpful!

3 months ago

thanks a lot

3 months ago

If you were to debug your React project's problem involved with unidentified and unwanted re-renders. How would you do it?
(This video was titled Debugging with React App so I expected it to show a re-rendering problem ✌ )

3 months ago

Thanks man, I was looking for this and All I could see was 1 hour long videos

3 months ago

Well, what if I have a backend where I want to debug that runs on 4000 port, and in my case I have a front end and when I click the signup button it goes to my back-end code and I want to debug there so in my launch.json file should change the "url" property to 4000 which is my backend?

3 months ago

Nice one thanks

3 months ago

Thanks for this great tutorial

3 months ago

Is there a way we can use the native browser window instead of the built-in browser that opens up? It doesn't have my extensions and look different overall.

3 months ago

Are you the voice of "not what you think" videos on YouTube? Very similar!

3 months ago

Thank you, I learnt something new and useful thing today as a developer.

3 months ago

U could have demonstrated this by simple code

3 months ago

thank you

3 months ago

How about React Native? Are we still stuck with Flipper?