Troubleshooting Drag and Drop Issues in PyQt QListView for Importing and Rearranging Items in a Single List

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PyQt QListView Issue with Drag and Drop

PyQt QListView Issue with Drag and Drop

When working with PyQt QListView, there can be an issue with drag and drop functionality, particularly when it comes to importing and rearranging items within the same list. Let’s explore this issue and find a solution.

The Issue

When trying to implement drag and drop functionality in a PyQt QListView, you may find that it works well for importing items from one list to another. However, when attempting to rearrange items within the same list, you may encounter issues.

The Solution

To address this issue, you can create a custom model for the QListView and override the necessary methods to handle both importing and rearranging of items. One approach is to subclass QStandardItemModel and override the dropMimeData method to handle the different scenarios for importing and rearranging items.

For importing items, you can use the MimeData from the drag event to extract the relevant data and insert it into the model at the drop location. For rearranging items, you can use the same approach but also handle the case where the drop location is within the same list.

Here is an example of how the custom model could be implemented:

class CustomListModel(QStandardItemModel):
    def dropMimeData(self, data, action, row, column, parent):
        if action == Qt.MoveAction and parent.isValid():
            # handle rearranging items within the same list
            # ...
            # handle importing items from another list
            # ...

By customizing the dropMimeData method in this way, you can ensure that your QListView supports both importing and rearranging of items without any issues.


When working with PyQt QListView, it’s important to be aware of the potential issue with drag and drop functionality for both importing and rearranging items within the same list. By creating a custom model and overriding the necessary methods, you can address this issue and ensure a smooth and seamless drag and drop experience for your users.