Troubleshooting: User Deletion Functionality Not Working with Vue 3 and Laravel | Part 27

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Fixing Bug: Delete user is not working using Vue 3 and Laravel | Part 27

Fixing Bug: Delete user is not working using Vue 3 and Laravel | Part 27

Recently, we encountered a bug in our Vue 3 and Laravel application where the delete user functionality was not working as expected. After extensive debugging and testing, we were able to identify and fix the issue.


When trying to delete a user from our application, the delete request was not being processed correctly by the Laravel backend. As a result, the user was not being removed from the database, and the frontend was not reflecting the change.


We started by reviewing the code for the delete user functionality in both the Vue 3 frontend and the Laravel backend. We checked the API request being sent from the frontend to the backend and verified that it was correctly formatted and contained the necessary information to identify the user to be deleted.

Next, we inspected the Laravel backend to see how it was handling the delete request. We found that the issue was in the controller method responsible for deleting a user. The method was not correctly identifying the user to be deleted, which resulted in the delete operation not being performed.


To fix the issue, we made the following changes:

  1. We updated the Vue 3 frontend to send the user ID along with the delete request.
  2. In the Laravel backend, we modified the controller method to correctly identify and delete the user based on the provided ID.


After making the necessary changes, we thoroughly tested the delete user functionality to ensure that it was now working as expected. We created test cases to cover various scenarios, such as deleting a user with different roles and permissions, and verified that the delete operation was working correctly in all cases.


By carefully investigating and fixing the bug in the delete user functionality, we were able to ensure that our application was working smoothly and efficiently. It is essential to regularly review and test the functionality of your application to identify and address any issues that may arise.

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6 months ago

Is there any plan adding authentication and authorization in the project?

6 months ago

this bug took me 3 days to solve it, I emailed you about it.