Trump and MAGA experience complete humiliation as their bluff is exposed

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In a stunning turn of events, President Donald Trump and his loyal supporters from the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement suffered a humiliating defeat as their bluff was called in a live television event.

The incident took place during a heated debate between Trump and his political opponents. The president, known for his bombastic and often controversial statements, had been touting the success of his administration and the supposed landslide victory that he and his supporters were going to achieve in the upcoming election. However, when pressed for evidence to support his claims, Trump seemed unable to provide any substantial proof.

As the debate continued, Trump grew increasingly agitated and defensive, attempting to redirect the conversation and deflect attention away from his lack of evidence. His trademark bravado and bluster seemed to falter, and it became clear that he was unable to back up his bold claims.

The moment of truth came when a respected journalist, known for her no-nonsense approach, directly challenged Trump to provide verifiable evidence of the supposed overwhelming support for his presidency. In a shocking display, Trump and his team were unable to produce any concrete numbers or data to support their assertions.

The MAGA supporters, who had been loud and vocal in their support of the president, were visibly deflated as their leader struggled to defend his statements. Many were left feeling disillusioned and embarrassed by the lack of substance behind their movement.

The aftermath of the live event has sent shockwaves through the political landscape, with many questioning the sincerity and credibility of Trump and the MAGA movement. The realization that their leader had been bluffing all along has left many feeling betrayed and disillusioned.

This humiliating moment serves as a cautionary tale for leaders and movements who rely on bombastic rhetoric and empty promises to rally support. The importance of backing up bold claims with factual evidence has never been more apparent, and the repercussions of failing to do so can be devastating.

In the end, Trump and the MAGA movement have been utterly humiliated by having their bluff called. The once unwavering confidence and bravado of the president and his supporters has been severely shaken, and the credibility of their movement has been called into question. It remains to be seen how they will recover from this embarrassing defeat and whether they will be able to regain the trust and respect of the American people.

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6 months ago

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6 months ago

I wish he was in a cell now..the longer he is out the more he stirs up his crazy cult …. They become more and more dangerous the longer he has time to work them into a frenzy over what ever is in his pea brain at the moment…

6 months ago

Many Republicans have left and are leaving the party. They say it no longer represents them.

6 months ago

Trumps Wifey is made for him but she can't atand the womanizer in him. she Loves the crook in him.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Love me some Micheal Cohen & Big Ben
They tell the truth

6 months ago

Donald Trump is one narcissistic fascist lying 91 counts against this Buffoon
We must safeguard our Democracy

6 months ago

Captain bone spurs bone spurs prevented him from showing up.

6 months ago

Michael, this is an old lady writing to you. First of all, you and Ben have been talking about character, and grace. With the little I know, I think you both have it in spades. We all make and will continue to make mistakes. Because of media, I know a bit more about yours than Ben's. I just know that like all of us, we are always making mistakes and always will. If we're fortune, we will come to recognize them — as have you. That takes both great character and great courage. You look very tired and stressed to me and I wish you to be able to develop great stamina and determination on the journey you are now on. I truly believe that you will eventually recognize how important is the part you have played in working to bring to our country a renewed sense of caring, responsibility, respect and dignity. Thank you for being of service to all of us …. and get some rest so you can continue your work! Sincerely

6 months ago

Michael, I have to say that watching you testify before the Congressional Committee "way back when" had impressed me. At the time, there were many who were skeptical about you, thinking your remorse was fake. But to me, you looked like a man who had had a revelation, a shocking one, of what he had become and chose to stop. That you were humbled by knowing how easily you had slid into Trump's mire.

I promptly bought your book, Disloyal, which had just recently come out. Your bare honesty about what you went through was, again, impressive.

These days on these podcasts, I smile at your very New York passionate expressions. But it's your passion in the fight to keep our American liberties and freedoms that brings me back whenever you post anything or appear on anyone else's show.

Keep up the good work!

6 months ago

Michael, no one knows Donald Trump as you do. OMG, you are always 100% spot on his expected behavior. Yes, had he gone to the funeral of the late Mrs Carter, he would have done everything to showcase himself so as to be the center of attraction.

You always can predict one hundred percent of what so ever his mental behavior will display.

Hats off to you, man.🤗😇👊👏

6 months ago

Don the con man

6 months ago

Why would Trump want to go there if all the democrats hate him

6 months ago

Hunter the crackhead hahaha 😆 😂 🤪 🤣 😜

6 months ago

I never heard of Breitbart until Trump.

6 months ago

Michael Cohen: That was the Most Amazing Speech I Ever Heard. You are Fully Redeemed!

6 months ago

I love Michael Cohen, but I wish he didn’t cuss so much. I also wish he presented himself a little better! That is the best way to counter the Trumps!

6 months ago

Given, red states as fascist, but why are blue states "gay"?

6 months ago

Trump 🐷

6 months ago

Trump said it has been going on for a 1000 years, so he's telling me that the cavemen used to grab women by the pushy?? Because they could, because they were famous !!