Trump Fails to Testify in Fraud Trial, Breaks Promise to Appear

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Former President Donald Trump has once again made headlines, this time for his refusal to testify in a fraud trial, despite his previous claims that he would be willing to do so. According to reports, Trump’s legal team has informed the court that he will not be testifying in the ongoing civil fraud case against the Trump Organization and two of its top executives.

This decision comes as a surprise to many, as Trump had previously stated that he would be “more than willing” to testify in the case. In fact, during an interview with ABC News in October 2021, Trump confidently stated, “I’d love to go, but I have to say that I think it’s very unfair what they’re doing.” It seems that Trump’s bravado has now turned to cowardice, as he is refusing to show up as promised.

The case in question revolves around allegations that the Trump Organization inflated the value of its assets to obtain loans and tax benefits. The New York Attorney General’s office has been investigating these claims for several years, and the trial is a direct result of their findings. Despite Trump’s repeated denials of any wrongdoing, the evidence presented against him and his organization is mounting.

Many are speculating that Trump’s refusal to testify is a sign of his fear of facing tough questions and the prospect of perjury charges if he were to lie under oath. Given his history of making false statements and his unparalleled ability to bend the truth, his legal team is likely advising him to avoid putting himself in a compromising position.

This latest development in the fraud trial is a clear indication of Trump’s growing desperation and the crumbling facade of his supposed invincibility. Throughout his presidency and even after leaving office, Trump has consistently portrayed himself as a strong and unwavering leader. However, his actions in this case are a stark reminder of his inability to back up his boasts with action.

Trump’s refusal to testify in the fraud trial is yet another example of his aversion to transparency and accountability. Throughout his political career, he has consistently dodged questions and subpoenas, and this latest episode further reinforces the notion that he is not above the law.

As the trial continues, it remains to be seen how Trump’s refusal to testify will impact the outcome. However, one thing is clear: his decision to back out of his promise to testify is a testament to his fear of facing the consequences of his actions. For a man who has prided himself on being a fearless leader, Trump’s refusal to testify in the fraud trial speaks volumes about his true character and credibility.

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6 months ago

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6 months ago

Made his lawyer look really stupid.

6 months ago

Just another promise AKA lie what can you expect from a phony 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

6 months ago

Mark my words…. he's gonna run !

6 months ago

Scared of Christie , scared of debates, scared to testify .. GOP tough guy has gone to water.

6 months ago

I knew that cause he lies about everything. This man should never be an office. He can't be trusted without secrets or anything. He can't even be trusted to watch your pet goldfish is a bum….

6 months ago


6 months ago

Habba Babba lying again, what a surprise !!!

6 months ago

Not Mr. Grab em by the pu..y! I know he's not scared!!😅

6 months ago

? He has nothing to hide? Press X to doubt…

6 months ago

Thanks Ben! Continue to shine a light on this historical darkness, MTN! It has already been thoroughly proven that Mr. Trump and his cult are a clear and present danger to the United States of America.

6 months ago

He Coward

6 months ago

If you are not in the financial market space right now, you are making a huge mistake. I understand that it could be due to ignorance, but if you want to make your money work for you…prevent inflation

6 months ago

I hope she gets disbarred

6 months ago

Alina Habba needs to get some knee pads her knees look shredded😊

6 months ago

This here young chick lawyer is sorry. She straight disgrace she just as bad as Candice Owen straight trash both of them.

6 months ago

Nice try Alina😂😂😂😂

6 months ago

Alina is such a useless cow. I hope she gets disbarred and sued for many millions.

6 months ago

LIES and MANEUVERED TACTICS, and Personal Lawyers RA RA. RA.

6 months ago

De Santis always looks slightly nauseous, just getting ready to puke