Trump insists on the release of additional information about January 6th as the narrative of insurrection weakens: Robby Soave

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In a stunning turn of events, former President Donald Trump is demanding the release of more information related to the January 6th Capitol riot, as he argues that the narrative of an insurrection is crumbling.

Trump’s demand for the release of more information comes as various narratives regarding the events of January 6th are being questioned and dissected. In a recent statement, Trump called for the release of all videos related to the Capitol riot, claiming that they will reveal the truth about what actually happened on that day.

The former President’s call for more information comes at a time when the media and political establishment have pushed the narrative that the events of January 6th were a coordinated insurrection aimed at overthrowing the government. However, as more information comes to light, it is becoming increasingly clear that there was much more at play on that fateful day.

Robby Soave, an editor at Reason magazine and a prominent libertarian commentator, has been at the forefront of dismantling the insurrection narrative. Soave has been analyzing the various videos and testimonies related to January 6th, and according to him, the evidence simply does not support the idea that it was a full-fledged insurrection.

Soave argues that the vast majority of the people who entered the Capitol building did so peacefully and did not engage in any violent or destructive behavior. He also points out that the FBI has stated that there is no evidence to suggest that the rioters were coordinating an insurrection.

Furthermore, Soave believes that the media and politicians have been using inflammatory language to describe the events of January 6th, which has only served to further divide the country. He contends that it is crucial to get to the bottom of what actually happened on that day in order to understand the true nature of the events.

With Trump now demanding the release of more information, it is clear that the narrative surrounding January 6th is far from settled. As more evidence comes to light, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the events of that day were not as straightforward as they have been portrayed.

It is essential for the truth to come to light, as the events of January 6th have had a profound impact on the country. Only by understanding the full scope of what happened on that day can the country begin to heal and move forward. Trump’s demand for the release of more information is a step in the right direction, and it is imperative that the truth about January 6th be fully revealed.

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7 months ago

Wolves & finance has the best video on this subject.

7 months ago

Like always Bri is one of those D is for different. Democrats are allowed, but no one else 😂

7 months ago

Trump has the right for more release of January 6th there is a lot of information they are hiding what are they afraid of drunken Nancy and the rest of them should be charged and put in prison Trump said lets walk down to the capital peacefully the cops were involved the real video showed how the cops set this up they dressed up like Trump supporters

7 months ago

The tapes of "Jan 6 Coup" are coming out proving one big fraud perpetrated by FBI to help Democrats! And all those bogus charges and trumped-up partisan convictions will face the scrutiny of the US Superior Court – and all will end up disgracefully rotting into the ash heap of history!

7 months ago

Democrats are just a virus. They've done this to trump for almost a decade now

7 months ago

"N-no you can't demand the footage when it exonerates you, th-thats not justice, it's justice when-because I say so" 😖

7 months ago

So if what does donald trump was doing why is there a legal process for it

7 months ago

These are 2 liberals confirming each other.😮

7 months ago

Bri is so full of bs. I wonder if she even believes herself sometimes.

7 months ago

Bri.We know robbi wants to protect his crazy uncle don. But you seem to have developed a fork tounge.

7 months ago

Democrats want to focus on J6 2021 but not J6 2017.

7 months ago

The Democrats put forth a much more credible effort to overturn the 2016 election, led by Jamie Raskin (D) Maryland. Not only did the Democrat party not hold him responsible, they appointed him to the J621 committee.

7 months ago

By the way how would Trump’s team know what info to say they were looking for if it’s hidden? Surely that’s why they want to check in the first place.

7 months ago

I would have more respect for the judge running this trial if she ever found anything in favor of Trump’s team. As a layman of independent views I regard a few of their requests as quite reasonable- especially asking enough time to scrutinize a huge mound of information. Frankly this handling just doesn’t add up and now suggests they are right in claiming bias.

7 months ago

The outside observers are puzzled how toxic, criminalised and weaponised the USA Democratic system has become – has it always been that way and observers are finally seeing the truth now?

7 months ago

People rightfully questioning the conclusion of a vote count after the ballot rules had been radically changed in a number of key swing states does not make them conspirators in an insurrection.

7 months ago

The DC judge is a rubber stamp for Jack smith.

7 months ago

what they don't want you to know is, they put final passage through for new election certification on 122322 to change the law that they claim pence didn't have…so why did they need to change it, if he didn't have the authority to kick it back to the states?

7 months ago

So a defendant seeking potentially exculpatory evidence is now considered a fishing expedition? Clearly the doj is hiding something

7 months ago

release the tapes so the fbi can id these people even faster