Trump launches new NFT card collection featuring pieces from his mugshot suit

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Former President Donald Trump is making headlines once again, this time for selling pieces from his infamous mugshot suit in the form of a new NFT card collection. Trump, who has been a vocal advocate for the use of NFTs (non-fungible tokens), has decided to capitalize on the trend by releasing a limited edition series of digital cards featuring pieces of the suit he wore in his 2019 mugshot.

The collection, titled “Trump’s Mugshot Masterpieces,” will feature a total of 100 unique NFT cards, each representing a different fragment of the suit. The cards will be sold in packs of 10, with each pack containing a combination of rare and common pieces from the suit. Collectors will have the opportunity to trade and sell their cards on various NFT marketplaces, with the value of each card determined by its rarity and condition.

The decision to release this NFT collection comes as a surprise to many, as Trump has been relatively quiet since leaving office. However, the former President has been known for his business savvy and ability to capitalize on trends, and the growing popularity of NFTs has not gone unnoticed by him.

In a statement, Trump explained his decision to release the collection, stating, “NFTs are the future of collecting, and I wanted to give my supporters the opportunity to own a piece of history. My mugshot suit holds a special place in my heart, and I believe it will be a valuable addition to any collector’s portfolio.”

The release of “Trump’s Mugshot Masterpieces” has already generated a significant amount of buzz, with many collectors expressing interest in owning a piece of Trump’s controversial history. Some have even speculated that the cards could fetch a high price on the secondary market, especially considering the significant media attention surrounding Trump and his presidency.

While some have praised Trump for embracing the NFT craze, others have criticized the move, arguing that it trivializes the legal and ethical issues surrounding his presidency. Nonetheless, it’s clear that “Trump’s Mugshot Masterpieces” will generate significant interest and potentially significant revenue for the former President.

As NFTs continue to gain traction in the art and collectibles world, it’s not surprising to see high-profile figures like Donald Trump embracing the trend. Whether “Trump’s Mugshot Masterpieces” will ultimately be seen as a valuable addition to the world of NFTs remains to be seen, but one thing is for certain – Trump continues to be a polarizing figure, both in and out of the political spotlight.

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6 months ago


6 months ago

As long as he dont sell the knickers that he wore that day. Sad pathetic human being!!!

6 months ago

He's a god you can't deny that 😂

6 months ago

BTW, the Bible is clear on casting of lots and why the selling of garments would not be a good thing.

6 months ago


6 months ago

I support TRUMP!

6 months ago

Why not go for the real cash…a piece of a top secret document. The Agent needs another search.

6 months ago

Trump is a big con artist,vote blue.

6 months ago


6 months ago

From it,s Richers to Republican RAGES😂😂😂❤

6 months ago

More law suits 😂

6 months ago

Extreme tackyness

6 months ago

Fully one half of American voters want this orange meatball back in the white house. It's getting harder and harder to care what happens to the USA when most Americans are just a bunch of stupid lemmings bent on national suicide.

6 months ago

I want to buy a meter of his suit to use instead of toilet paper

6 months ago

He’s mentally unstable and using the poor people who are ignorant to his dangerous actions

6 months ago

Always griftin' and connin'

6 months ago

If Trump would sell Jim Jones Kool Aid by the gallon, that would solve our voter problem.

6 months ago

This is like the ads Youtube is showing me.

6 months ago

At $0.99 I might buy a set

6 months ago

He s definitively not cutting up his suit. He s selling pieces of cloth.