Trump Lawyer Makes SHOCKING Claim About Disqualification, Baffling Judges

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The legal drama surrounding former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial took a shocking turn recently as his defense team made a bold and unprecedented claim that left judges baffled and legal experts stunned.

During the Senate impeachment trial, Trump’s lawyers argued that the Senate does not have the authority to disqualify a former president from holding future office, even if he is found guilty of inciting the January 6th insurrection at the Capitol. This claim, if upheld, could have far-reaching implications for the impeachment process and the future of American democracy.

The argument drew sharp criticism from legal scholars and pundits, who pointed out that the language of the Constitution clearly grants the Senate the power to impose disqualification on those convicted in an impeachment trial. In fact, the Senate has previously disqualified individuals from holding future office after their impeachment and conviction, which sets a precedent for the current case.

The lawyers’ claim left the judges presiding over the trial visibly puzzled, with Chief Justice John Roberts and the Senate parliamentarian seeking clarification on the legal basis for the argument. The defense team struggled to provide a satisfactory response, further undermining their credibility in the eyes of the judges and the public.

The shocking claim is just the latest in a series of controversial arguments made by Trump’s legal team during the impeachment trial, including their attempt to deflect blame onto Democrats and the media and their disregard for overwhelming evidence of Trump’s role in inciting the insurrection.

The defense’s tactics have been met with criticism and ridicule from both sides of the political spectrum, with many questioning the competence and integrity of the legal team representing the former president. Speculation abounds about whether the team is simply playing to Trump’s base or genuinely believes in the merit of their arguments.

The implications of the defense’s claim on disqualification could be significant, as it could set a dangerous precedent for future impeachment trials and the accountability of public officials. If the Senate were to accept their argument, it would effectively render the impeachment process toothless and allow future presidents to act with impunity, knowing they could not be barred from seeking office again.

With the trial ongoing, it remains to be seen how the Senate will ultimately rule on the disqualification issue. However, the defense team’s shocking claim has already sparked a heated debate about the limits of presidential power and the sanctity of the impeachment process. It serves as a stark reminder of the tumultuous and unprecedented times in which America currently finds itself.

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6 months ago

But somehow things like this NEVER make it to the back page, never mind the front: seriously, I am starting to lose respect for the Times, certainly the Wall Street Journal, and ABC, CBS, NBC, Cnn. Lame: only report on opinions about Biden, not the effectiveness of his term; never report on the FASCIST rhetoric, or the FACTS of the court proceedings: FREE AIR TIME
FOR TRUMP- with NO opinion or commentary or critque. It's pretty clear that the grand masters (oligarchs) of Legacy media are just a more subtly gaslighting version of FOX.

6 months ago

The ABA really seriously need to scrutinize some of the folks they license to act as lawyers. I mean before all of this, I watched some of the most criminal of criminal lawyers practice law for white drug dealers and bookies. I happen to know they were doing so to profit in Drugs and gambling. They were in on it. And now these lawyers today are defend MAGAts? Why? Because they are in on it.

6 months ago

❤ FDT. !

6 months ago

Does that mean trashy trump was never really president?

6 months ago

Shouldn't this be on tape somewhere? Wasn't the 2016 inauguration videotaped?

6 months ago

Amazing how 1 ignorant man can baffle the entire world….. Scary stuff imagine what a smart guy could do knowing what we know now about these dumb jackasses running things

6 months ago

If tRump didn't take the correct oath right from the beginning of his presidency – doesn't that mean that he's admitting to planning a conspiracy to subvert the Constitution of the United States? Wouldn't this also be called an insurrection? Shouldn't this also be covered by the 14th amendment? This admission alone should not only bar him from the ballot, I think it should land him in jail (considering the power he used to have & the considerable amount he still does have). Sending him to live with his buddy Putin would be okay too (but confiscate his money 1st).

6 months ago

Benedict Donald violated his oath multple times. He and his complicit republican traitors should be immediate.y removed from office…feet first.

6 months ago


6 months ago

How ridiculous

6 months ago

People living overseas are wondering if this is a typical Tav show to put America on the lips of people. U guys need to lock this man up. He calls ur dead hero's losses, his wife is in it for the limelight and obviously on a partnership salary, how much more evidence do u need

6 months ago

DT owes people money, he loves walking around with his fake uneducated friends who want to look important and can't in a real educated circle, why in Gods name is this guy not locked up yet

6 months ago

C'mon Obama … call their bluff and run again. 😁

6 months ago

So what the hell is the president if he’s not an officer of congress

6 months ago

if rumpie did not take an oath to support the constitution then he really really really really has no business being president or anything else in the government.

6 months ago

I can't wait until til the Supreme Court decides Trump can't be held responsible for crimes he committed while President. Biden can then go full autocrat and arrest all his political opponents!

6 months ago

Why does Ben keep saying that "legacy" media isn't doing their job. They're just not fixated on just Trump. There are other issues & events going on in the world that MediasTouch doesn't everrrr discuss. Stay fixed on Trump and bring that awareness. The other news channels do just that bring world news. Let's keel it clean

6 months ago

The president of u.s. holds the office in the military of “commander -in-cheif. He was an officer !

6 months ago

If he didn't take the right oath then was he president? If not should he have presidential immunity for anything? Was his entire time in the White House a fraud?

6 months ago

It is strange that trump's attorney was the Secretary of the State of Colorado in the past.