Trump’s Alleged Expert is Ridiculed in Court During Fraud Trial

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In a shocking turn of events, former President Donald Trump’s so-called fraud expert got laughed out of court during a recent trial in New York City. The trial, which centered around allegations of fraud and misconduct at Trump University, saw the once-proud expert reduced to a laughing stock as his credibility was called into question.

The so-called expert, a man by the name of Barry Goldstein, was brought in by the defense team to testify on behalf of Trump University. However, instead of bolstering the defense’s case, Goldstein’s testimony quickly descended into farce as he struggled to provide concrete evidence to support his claims.

Goldstein, a former employee of Trump University, attempted to argue that the now-defunct real estate school had provided valuable education to its students. However, his arguments quickly fell apart under cross-examination, as he was unable to provide any substantive evidence to support his claims. In fact, his lack of expertise and knowledge on the subject matter became evident to the court, leading to laughter and disbelief from those in attendance.

It’s not the first time that Trump University has come under scrutiny. The now-defunct institution faced numerous lawsuits and investigations, with former students alleging that they had been misled and defrauded by the school’s promises of real estate success. In 2016, Trump settled three lawsuits against Trump University for $25 million, just before he took office as President of the United States.

This recent trial, however, has once again brought the spotlight back onto Trump University and its questionable practices. Goldstein’s comical performance in court has only served to further tarnish the already dubious reputation of the school and its founders.

The entire episode serves as a stark reminder of the lengths that some will go to in order to defend the indefensible. With so-called experts like Barry Goldstein failing to provide credible testimony, it’s little wonder that the public’s trust in institutions like Trump University has been eroded. The laughter that greeted Goldstein’s testimony in court is a fitting symbol of the disbelief and incredulity that many feel towards the entire Trump University saga.

As the trial continues, it remains to be seen how the case will ultimately be resolved. However, one thing is for certain: the so-called expert’s performance in court has only served to highlight the questionable practices and lack of credibility that have long plagued Trump University.

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6 months ago

He doesnt realize he ALREADY LOST –

6 months ago

I hope Trump rots in jail.

6 months ago

Trump must be exhausted from winning so much. Bigly.

6 months ago

I agree with the comments below

6 months ago

Trump points to his head and said "There's something wrong here", insinuating the Judge has a problem, but trump is absolutely right, there is something wrong, but it's in TRUMP'S head, not the Judge's, it's call his brain. Trump has lost all grasp on reality.

6 months ago

Hey just so you know I used the LEGALAF discount and did get the sheets you advertised. After ordering company asked a survey and I did use Meidas Touch of how I heard about it. Just FYI. Enjoyed content of podcast.

6 months ago

Now hes quoting Hitler.. and still the Rep party does nothing

6 months ago


6 months ago

Trump is not only a liar but a lunatic.

6 months ago

Trump is lying.

6 months ago

The first time I heard the word jigaboo, my black friend called me it. And, I actually thought he had just made up the word, but it's one of the funniest-sounding words I had ever heard so it brought me to tears in laughter at what I thought was a nonsensical word he made up. It wasn't like until a couple years later when I called another one of my friends (a white dude) jigaboo, and one of my other friends (a black dude) overheard that I learned it was racial slur. To this day, I still think it's one of the funniest-sounding words and, though I don't say it anymore, the word is pleasing to the mouth, if that makes any sense. It's kinda like the names Pipkens, or Madubuike just feels good on the mouth to say. Maybe I'm autistic or something. Rambunctious, Brobdingnagian, jiggambob, bobble, baby, bubble, table, wobble…

6 months ago

When someone keeps repeating something like that, I AUTOMATICALLY don't trust them. Even if it weren't Trump, the fact that he repeated that he won at the appellate level so many times, just screams "DON'T TRUST ME!"

6 months ago

Bs come from him😂😂😂

6 months ago

Put him in prison. Already now. 😂

6 months ago

😂 I’m fighting for you, so I’m going to need your money 💰. Please 🙏 pretty please 🙏

6 months ago

Trump is SO FULL OF IT. Why are we ALL still giving him air time??

6 months ago

This man is crazy his making AMERICA LOOK SO STUPID AND DUMB

6 months ago

We're going forward 0' fellow Lemmings to the wonderful seaside cliffs. The bigilyest cliffs! 😂😂😂

6 months ago

Habba must be seriously as dumb

6 months ago

😂😂Trumps narrative has always been for his minions who believe him blindly without thinking for themselves, but telling everyone they decided on their own although they all sound like 🦜 mimicking him.