Trump’s allies faced with troubling legal developments in court

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In a shocking turn of events for former President Donald Trump and his allies, several high-profile figures in the Trump camp were hit with troubling news in court recently. From legal battles to criminal charges, the once powerful and influential individuals in Trump’s inner circle are now facing a downward spiral in their fortunes.

One of the most damning blows came in the form of criminal charges against Steve Bannon, a former White House strategist and close confidant of Trump. Bannon was charged with contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a subpoena from the House committee investigating the January 6th Capitol riot. This marks a significant fall from grace for Bannon, who was once considered a key player in Trump’s inner circle.

Adding to the woes of Trump’s allies, longtime Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg was indicted on tax fraud charges along with the Trump Organization itself. The charges are a result of a lengthy investigation into the financial dealings of the Trump Organization, and they signal a major legal battle ahead for the company and its top executives.

In addition to the legal troubles facing Bannon and Weisselberg, several other Trump associates are embroiled in their own legal battles. Roger Stone, a longtime Trump adviser, was recently subpoenaed by the House committee investigating the January 6th Capitol riot, and he is facing potential legal trouble for his involvement in the events leading up to the insurrection.

The slew of legal problems facing Trump’s allies has sent shockwaves through the political and legal worlds, and it has cast a dark shadow over the once powerful figures who were closely tied to the former president. The sheer number of legal battles and criminal charges facing Trump’s inner circle is unprecedented, and it has many wondering about the potential implications for Trump himself.

The mounting legal troubles facing Trump’s allies are a stark reminder of the turbulent and controversial nature of the Trump presidency. The close ties between Trump and his inner circle are now under intense scrutiny, and the legal battles ahead are sure to cast a long shadow over the legacy of the Trump administration.

As the legal battles continue to unfold, the future looks increasingly uncertain for Trump and his allies. The once powerful figures in Trump’s inner circle are now facing a nightmare of legal troubles, and the fallout from these legal battles is likely to have far-reaching implications for the Trump camp. Only time will tell how these legal battles will unfold and what they will mean for the future of the Trump presidency.

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9 months ago

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9 months ago

Truth be known

9 months ago

RE: Pardons in Georgia
One has to serve the entire sentence before an application for pardon can be filed.

9 months ago

It's such a change in standards. In Florida in 2000 Republicans insisted that Florida certify its election and to stop recounts because Bush needed Florida to win. Even if no one got those votes, Bush lost. SDO insisted it be certified with the votes that were counted when Trump was leading the count. Now every vote counts doesn't matter. As long as a Republican gets the electoral votes, Republicans don't care if anyone's votes are counted.

9 months ago


9 months ago

Brian you are very good at what you do! This is still one of the important things we need to get right if we want to live in a Free Country.

9 months ago

if the orange Jesus wins he can do and will do what ever he wants Federal or State . Trust me he can pardon himself by hook or by crook. Do u know what a god damn dictator means?

9 months ago

Should immigrants ever be allowed in U S to vote?

9 months ago

Why is it taking so long to lock up all these corrupt Republican 'officials" who attempted to corrupt the 2020 election?? It's going on 4 years already!! LOCK THEM ALL UP ALREADY!! ESPECIALLY THEIR SCUM LEADER, TRUMP!!

9 months ago

I wonder how much time (if any) CNN/MSNBC spent covering this important story. They're probably too busy pushing out horsesh*t poll numbers.

9 months ago

Here in arizona we simply said enough maga Horeshit 🌵🌵🌵🌵💃🕺

9 months ago

Hey Brian. FYI – An ad played during video of some whack job Trumplodyte talking about a "documentary" he's made. It's about a coming event the mainstream media won't talk about and "they" keep blocking it, blah, blah, blah. Wanted to give you a heads up that you may want to talk to the service that vets (or doesn't vet) the ads that show on your channel. Keep up the good work.

9 months ago

Let them all go to jail

9 months ago

We AMERICANS seem to be in world of chaos with all the things going on in our country! In particular Elections ! (1) one of the dominant political parties are are in chaos ! Trying to Impeach PRESIDENT BIDEN among other stupid schemes they are “thinking up 🥴🫤🤥🤫🤔☹️😩! However in any game there are the losers and the winners ! Republicans seem to be the winners in the “POLITICAL GAME “ ! But winners are not always winners in the long run ! In this game Democrats are NOT THE LOSERS ! How so you maybe thinking ! Well let’s look at the two sides of any game whatever it’s called ! There is “POSITIVE “ and “NEGATIVE “ (win ,lose ! And sometimes draw !) Democrat’s are the positive side of any game we are the ones who THINK of IDEAS TO HELP THIS NATION MOVE FORWARD and in some ways😊 we also “help other countries move forwards ! Republicans are the NEGATIVE SIDE ie; the brakes ,that slow us down! ! So we don’t get out of control (as in car brakes ) THEREFORE Losers are most always winners ! And sometimes it’s a “Tie game “ The political parties AGREE👍🏻 ! 🫤☹️🤔🥴😉🥰👏🇺🇸🖖🏼👽✌🏻🙀👵🏻😱🖖🏼👽✌🏻😉✌🏻 DON’T EVER BELIEVE THE USA 🇺🇸 ! Is out of the game ,WE ARE THE GAME 🖖🏼👽✌🏻👍🏻

9 months ago

These judges need to stop playing with Donald Trump he really thinks he is above the law and he can say and do anything he want to when you look at all the people already in jail some of them doing big time and he the one cause it and still walking around talking shit all you followers of Donald Trump are real dumb he set you all up and you all still following this idiot.

9 months ago

I just watch this young black man saying he don't feel comfortable voting for President Bidden, let me say this you and every other black man and black woman need to wake up do you not realize older black people have gave their lives so that you can have a right to vote which President Bidden and the Democratic party is fighting every day to keep donald Trump and the Republican party is trying to stop or make it hard for all mornority people to even register to vote and you black people talking about not voting for Biden or not voting at all stop being stupid if Trump get back in the white house and take everything from you don't start crying because you allowed this to happen, donald trump and the Republican party don't give a dam about black folks and iam telling you don't make my children and grandchildren suffer because of your dumbness I know President Bidden is old and so is Donald Trump but there's no doubt who will help you and this country more and that man is President Joe Bidden I don't care if he was a hundred I will never vote for donald trump.

9 months ago

You're credibility has walked out the door.Stop it.

9 months ago

Know it is not. Most Americans are becoming more aware of what Trump has done to this country. Stop with your deflection attempt. The truth is coming out…big time, you just want people to just be closed mouthed about what is happening.

9 months ago

Love this cite.

9 months ago
