Trump’s Pardon of Kushner Friend is a Preview of “Tough on Crime” Presidency

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President Trump’s recent pardon of his longtime ally and son-in-law Jared Kushner’s friend, Ken Kurson, has sparked controversy and raised concerns about his approach to criminal justice. This move is just one example of Trump’s “tough on crime” presidency, which many critics argue is not only unfair but also undermines the principles of justice and accountability.

Kurson, a former editor of the New York Observer and a close friend of Kushner, was charged with cyberstalking and harassment in October 2020. These charges arose from allegations that he had surveilled and harassed a former friend and business partner. Despite these serious allegations, Trump decided to pardon Kurson, citing his “impressive record of leadership, charity, and philanthropy.”

While it is not uncommon for presidents to use their pardon power to grant clemency to friends and allies, Trump’s decision to pardon Kurson is emblematic of his broader approach to criminal justice. Throughout his presidency, Trump has repeatedly signaled a commitment to being “tough on crime,” often at the expense of due process and fairness.

This approach has been reflected in a number of policies and actions, including his support for harsh sentencing laws, aggressive immigration enforcement, and the use of federal forces to suppress protests. Trump has also consistently praised and pardoned individuals who have been convicted of or charged with crimes, often for political reasons or personal loyalty.

The president’s “tough on crime” stance has drawn criticism from advocacy groups, legal experts, and civil rights organizations, who argue that it is discriminatory, punitive, and excessive. They argue that this approach not only perpetuates systemic inequalities and injustices within the criminal justice system but also undermines the rule of law and equitable treatment under it.

Moreover, Trump’s use of his pardon power to benefit his friends and allies has raised concerns about potential abuse of power and conflicts of interest. Critics argue that these actions erode the public’s trust in the president and the integrity of the pardon process, as they appear to be driven by personal and political considerations rather than legal and ethical ones.

In light of these concerns, Trump’s pardon of Kurson is a troubling indication of his approach to criminal justice. It signals a disregard for fair and impartial justice, and a preference for favoritism and impunity. As the president’s term comes to an end, it is essential for the American public and lawmakers to reflect on the consequences of a “tough on crime” presidency and to advocate for a justice system that is rooted in equality, fairness, and accountability.

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7 months ago

Sold those pardons for 2 million because he believes in law and order 😂 Would be funny if it wasn't so orwellian

7 months ago

To be pardoned they had to admit guilt.

7 months ago

Cute little hate group you got here

7 months ago

Oh how I wish he weren't able to run for that or any public office ever again.

7 months ago

If after all the damages Trump caused our country hasn't made you think about the changes we must make in our government it will continue and more openly.

7 months ago

Reminds me of the mafia. 😂. But it is not funny it's sad the arm twisting and sneaky deals work.

7 months ago

Loan shark like the government does with student loans.

7 months ago

Why do you keep digging deep for things to talk about on Donald Trump?
Why don't you tout the prosperous economy of bidenomics? Or the crime stats in LA, san fran, seattle, chicago, philly or DC? Or, I know, how about the tough enforcement by ali hondo of the Southern border? Or how about the wasteful spending of a ambulance chaser of a prosecutor in NY? Wait, I know, that drug use in the US is way down? Or here's a story……hunter biden was collecting money for the church choir!!! Come on the democratic side has SO MANY GOOD THINGS TO TALK ABOUT!

7 months ago

Lock the man child up put him in a matching orange jumpsuit… Draft dodger and a coward…👕

7 months ago

What do you expect from a criminal

7 months ago

Do as i say not as i do.

7 months ago

This is not news. Everyone in the rest of the world knows that is how america rolls. Corruption and greed are par for the course😅😅😅😮

7 months ago

Dont forget he pardoned Jerods father too.

7 months ago

One thing for sure Mr Trump is not a list he talk his mind sleepy Joe his

7 months ago

Yes there is vermin living in the US , The Trumps, Kushner, Braun, A.S. and M.T.G. are just a very small example .🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳

7 months ago

many gthpp intellegince wanted secret officer tecrunintellegince

7 months ago

Trump's take on the Rule Of Law: "Free pardons for all those who pay me $1million for the effort of signing my name". That's also what Trump considers a hard day of work. His company will be 'enjoyed' at which ever prison he ends up in.

7 months ago


7 months ago

In the American garden party wing as the Republican party will guide Trump to a weight loss program and eating ranch and Bob Evans sausages in the basement of Mar-a-Lago, with nothing to wear, but to go to American war, blankets, dyed orange, 52° temperature Fahrenheit, and nothing but cold water with a picture window or people can come by and look at him like a monkey in a cage 🎉

7 months ago

Trump was found guilty of every single accusation ever made since the day he announced his candidacy for president.
The fake news and lefti know Americans as a whole don't actually read government documents, that's why this has gone on for 8 years.