Trump’s polling skyrocket to a new record high #shorts

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In a shocking turn of events, former President Donald Trump has seen a surge in his polling numbers, hitting a new record high that has left many political analysts stunned. According to the latest polling data, Trump’s support has exploded in recent weeks, with a significant increase in approval ratings and favorability among voters across the country.

This sudden surge in Trump’s popularity comes as a surprise to many, especially considering the tumultuous end to his presidency and the controversies that surrounded his administration. Despite facing impeachment, widespread criticism, and a loss in the 2020 presidential election, it seems that Trump’s base of supporters has only grown stronger in the months since he left office.

So what has caused this sudden uptick in Trump’s polling numbers? It’s clear that the former president has maintained a strong and loyal following among a significant portion of the American electorate, and his continued presence in the political landscape has only served to solidify that support.

Additionally, Trump’s vocal criticisms of the Biden administration and the Democratic agenda have struck a chord with many conservative voters who are disillusioned with the direction the country is heading. As the current administration faces various challenges and criticisms of its own, it appears that Trump’s steadfast opposition has resonated with a wider audience, leading to a boost in his public perception.

Furthermore, Trump’s recent speaking engagements and public appearances have generated significant media attention, keeping him firmly in the spotlight and providing a platform to continue rallying his base of supporters. His continued influence within the Republican Party, coupled with a potential bid for the 2024 presidential election, has only served to fuel the flames of his popularity.

However, it’s important to note that while Trump’s polling numbers have indeed seen a substantial increase, he still remains a divisive figure in American politics. Despite his strong base of supporters, there are many voters who vehemently oppose Trump and his policies, and his continued presence in the public eye is likely to provoke further polarization and controversy.

As we move closer to the 2024 election, Trump’s newfound popularity will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the political landscape. Whether he ultimately decides to run for president or not, it’s clear that his influence in American politics is far from over, and his recent surge in polling numbers is a testament to the enduring strength of his support base. Love him or hate him, Trump continues to be a force to be reckoned with in the world of politics.

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6 months ago

Wow, this shows there is so much evil in this world that they are ok to vote for someone who do bad and will do evil.

6 months ago

This is BS 🤬😡

6 months ago

First, comes the fact that if and when convicted of all these crimes, and law breaking ordeals, the constitution clearly says he would not be able to even run for any governmental position!

And if so, he will be held accountable period!!

6 months ago


6 months ago

Do u ever brush ur teeth

6 months ago

I don't know who's the most fool them trump 😂😂😂

6 months ago

Do you want facistism or a working government?
Now you have a poll.

6 months ago


6 months ago

What it really is is that America sees through the bullshit that the liberal commies are trying to stuff down their throat by blasting one charge after another at Trump hoping that one of them will stick! Well it's backfiring in their face, his numbers will continue to rise as America sees that the Democrats are unscrupulous liars!

6 months ago

I think he's popular for the same classic reason that all facists have risen to power. A lot of people think that it will require a strongman bully to vanquish their imagined enemies (in the case of the USA, meaning their manufactured caricature of the left).

6 months ago

We need to trash the electoral college … popular vote only.

6 months ago

You mean all the fake criminal charges from the fake Democrat Communist party, who stole the 2020 election ?? Is that what you meant ??? Overwhelming evidence about the steal in 2020 was ignored by Democrat judges, who will find themselves in prison,, soon, along with the fake news media.

6 months ago


6 months ago

He polls well for the general election, and people like you are to blame.

6 months ago

Lol don't fall for those schemes, polling is for the naive to pursade reactions to further divide the people

6 months ago

There’s no way close to 50% of people will knowingly vote for a guy who literally attempted a coup to overthrow the election results. The guy is a nut.

6 months ago

The typical "conservative" if asked which Republican they'd like to vote for will answer, "I don't know, whoever they nominate is who I'm voting for." So… they aren't voting for someone, they're voting against someone. The spoiler voter. Same with Republican "policies". They aren't trying to construct anything. They're using fear tactics to promote strawman arguments. Sad.

6 months ago

I hate to say this but we might have the resign ourselves that the fact he might win. I'll vote 🔵 but idk about 75% of America. Must have been that stupid religious declaration he made.

6 months ago

dude stfu already. you know as well as i do he is gonna win in 2024 your stupidity is just helping him

6 months ago

Not surprised. The republican party has gone to the dumps. They are involved in the inssurection and voter fraud cases too. They will follow their cult leader to the grave. I predicted he will fall and all his senators will too. Vote blue 💙 save our counrty. Save womens rights. Save our Democracy and Constitution !💙🌊