Trump’s Team Rushes to Conceal Disturbing Reality Before Election Day

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With the US presidential election just weeks away, the Trump team is scrambling to cover up a dark truth that could potentially hurt their chances of winning. As the election draws closer, the Trump campaign is facing mounting pressure to address some troubling revelations that have come to light.

One of the most pressing issues surrounds President Trump’s tax returns, which were recently released by The New York Times. The bombshell report revealed that Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017 and paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years. This revelation has raised questions about Trump’s financial transparency and has sparked concerns about his potential conflicts of interest.

In response to the tax revelations, the Trump team has been working tirelessly to downplay the significance of the report, with the President himself dismissing it as “fake news” and a “total fake.” However, the damage has been done, and the tax scandal has fueled criticism of Trump’s business practices and integrity.

Another troubling development for the Trump campaign is the recent release of recordings by journalist Bob Woodward, in which Trump admits to downplaying the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the recordings, Trump can be heard acknowledging the deadly nature of the virus, despite publicly downplaying its seriousness to the American people.

The release of the Woodward tapes has ignited a firestorm of criticism, with many accusing the Trump administration of putting politics ahead of public health. In response, the Trump team has been desperately trying to spin the narrative, with the President claiming that he was merely trying to prevent panic.

All of these revelations have raised serious concerns about the Trump administration’s honesty and integrity, and the campaign is now in damage control mode. With the election rapidly approaching, the Trump team is frantically trying to deflect attention from these damaging truths and steer the focus back to their key talking points, such as the economy and law and order.

Despite their efforts, the Trump team is finding it increasingly challenging to control the narrative and stem the tide of negative press. With each passing day, more damaging revelations are coming to light, and the pressure is mounting for the campaign to address these issues head-on.

As the election looms, the Trump team is facing an uphill battle in their efforts to cover up these dark truths and sway voters in their favor. Whether they will be successful in turning the narrative around remains to be seen, but one thing is for certain – the election is shaping up to be a tense and pivotal moment in American politics.

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6 months ago

I don't even have that much problem supporting life as a progressive! If you're going to encourage people to make that choice have the programs and government assistance to make that an easy choice. Taking away the choice of a woman and her doctor is abhorrent overreach of government that can't even keep us safe from unsafe food, economic inequity and opportunity, ect.

6 months ago

Cover up? He's not want to do a cover up? Benghazi,Epstein, giving both hamas and Isreal money, ballet stuffing…the list of democrat evil is widely more evident huh..reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

6 months ago

Abort that creep.

6 months ago

I have never prayed for someone to just succumb to their dementia/Alzheimer's more than trump. And Alzheimer's does end in death. The person starts getting more coherent, then forgets how to breath. You can see it and know when it happens. But you can tell trump has signs of dementia/early Alzheimer's. All he needs to do is succumb to it. Then we'll be saved. Cuz who is gonna replace Trump? There is no fail safe for when trump dies. No leader.

6 months ago

Trump has always been a moderate. WTF are you even talking about John? But hey, all of the Anti Trump videos you pump out is just helping him. You make him look good.. thats the funny part.

6 months ago

Punishment for 5he WOMAN??? Keep your DICK IN YOU PANTS!

6 months ago

I hope all the great people in our country remember all the lies he's told over the years. I truly believe that he's ruining our country. We have a great country. And I pray that we don't live under any of his propaganda.

6 months ago

Yeah he did. He put Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court who was accused of raping a woman, he paid off all his debt first too……. So there is that. TRUMP is lying yet again.
So sick of the projecting this guy does when all,he did was hire crooks or sex offenders.

6 months ago

Wow, I see the hair! I like it.

6 months ago

Trumpturd is a idiot azzhole

6 months ago

I would bet Trump has paid for abortions several times over the years.

6 months ago

Is he dead yet?

6 months ago

Sensible, ha!

6 months ago

Trump took complete credit, in public, for putting the justices in place to overturn Roe v Wade! Republicans have turned away the pro choice voters…Republicans are turning away the military voters by holding up thousands of promotions for over 10 months now…Republicans have turned away the youth voters by not allowing common sense gun laws (these youth voters had to go thru shooter drills just to go to school and lost friends to massacres)….Keep it up Republicans! Blue tsunami 2024!!🇺🇸💙

6 months ago

You guys get this idea hes gunna folow voteing rules and law this time. No he intends to do another coup. This time with guns, and hes got enough MAGA heads into positions that will help him overthrow the USA government. You act like hes gunna play fair. The law dose not apply to this tyrant. Cause you know he and his gestapo will burn it to the ground if they dont get there way. Like the tantrum children they are.

6 months ago

Biden should install 3 demonstrably, definitely, biased DEMOCRATIC justices into the SCOTUS, just as Trump admitted to doing!

6 months ago

Trump admitted that he put 3 crooked justices into their positions to do his bidding, and bias the justice system towards his fascist views and requirements, instead of being unbiased, neutral, impartial or unprejudiced.
All part of his planned take over of the government of the USA…

6 months ago

TRUTH about LOSER Don? He is weak, whining, LOSER, crybaby who believes everything is about him and his wealth. He's a wannabe dictator who vomit a fear and hate to be popular and gain support. He duped, conned, and defrauded his way to giving the impression of being successful and wealthy. His supporters still think he is a successful businessman. Will they realize he is just defrauding them? Unlikely, even after he's imprisoned for some of his crimes.

6 months ago

Was he against the ab0rtion his favorite daughter had in college though?

6 months ago

Well orange be traitor ! You are BRANDED!! So are others .. as for your understanding .. when you insulted our constitution and intelligence of Americans ..we see, we hear, we talk about almost everything .. media’s recorded online recorded ..we don’t forget we will hold anyins accountable for lies , does great harm to our fellow Americans will be held accountable..