Try Vite for a Faster Alternative to CRA | Creating Reusable Modals in ReactJS, Tailwind CSS & Vite JS

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Vite: A Faster Alternative To CRA

Vite: A Faster Alternative To CRA

If you’re a React developer, you’re probably familiar with Create React App (CRA) as a popular tool for setting up a new React project. However, there’s a new player in town: Vite. Vite is a build tool that can be used as an alternative to CRA, offering faster build times and a more modern development experience.

What is Vite?

Vite is a build tool that aims to provide a faster development experience for front-end developers. It uses ESBuild as its bundler, which makes it incredibly fast – even faster than CRA’s webpack-based setup. Vite also supports hot module replacement (HMR) out of the box, allowing for quick and efficient development without the need for manual page refreshes.

Building a Reusable Modal in ReactJS with Tailwind CSS & Vite JS

One of the great things about Vite is that it makes it easy to incorporate other modern tools and libraries into your project. Let’s walk through how we can use Vite, ReactJS, and Tailwind CSS to build a reusable modal component.

Step 1: Setting up the Project

First, make sure you have Node.js installed on your machine. Then, you can create a new Vite project by running the following commands:

        npx create-vite@latest my-modal-project
        cd my-modal-project
        npm install

Step 2: Creating the Modal Component

Now that we have our project set up, we can create a new React component for our modal. Here’s an example of what the component might look like:

        import React from 'react';
        import './Modal.css';

        const Modal = ({ isOpen, handleClose, children }) => {
          if (!isOpen) {
            return null;

          return (
            <div className="modal-overlay">
              <div className="modal">
                <button className="modal-close" onClick={handleClose}>Close</button>

        export default Modal;

Step 3: Styling with Tailwind CSS

We can use Tailwind CSS to style our modal component. First, install it as a dependency:

        npm install tailwindcss

Then, create a new file called `Modal.css` and add the following Tailwind CSS styles:

        .modal-overlay {
          /* styles for the modal overlay */

        .modal {
          /* styles for the modal */

        .modal-close {
          /* styles for the close button */

Step 4: Using the Modal Component in Your App

Now that we have our modal component and styles set up, we can use it in our React app. Here’s an example of how we might use the modal:

        import React, { useState } from 'react';
        import Modal from './Modal';

        const App = () => {
          const [isModalOpen, setIsModalOpen] = useState(false);

          const handleOpenModal = () => {

          const handleCloseModal = () => {

          return (
              <button onClick={handleOpenModal}>Open Modal</button>
              <Modal isOpen={isModalOpen} handleClose={handleCloseModal}>
                <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
                <p>This is a reusable modal component built with Vite, ReactJS, and Tailwind CSS.</p>

        export default App;


With Vite, we can build fast and modern front-end applications with ease. By combining Vite, ReactJS, and Tailwind CSS, we can create reusable components like modals in a way that is both efficient and enjoyable. So next time you start a new React project, consider giving Vite a try as a faster alternative to CRA.

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7 months ago

Bro we need you to explain the code while coding it. Because, we can take code from github as well. But we want to understand when someone explains it. Anyways, great content.

7 months ago

Excellent! I love it 🙂 thanks a lot

7 months ago

Bro explain with voice

7 months ago

Please what is your Instagram?

7 months ago

Please Can you upload more Mern Stack projects

7 months ago

Cheers 🥂