
Trying to organize GraphQL order by position using DatoCMS and Gatsby JS

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Attempting to Sort GraphQL Order by Position with DatoCMS and Gatsby JS

Attempting to Sort GraphQL Order by Position with DatoCMS and Gatsby JS

When working with data in a Gatsby JS project using DatoCMS as the backend, you may run into situations where you need to sort the data based on a specific field. One common scenario is sorting a list of items by their position in a GraphQL query.

Unfortunately, DatoCMS does not currently support sorting by position out of the box. However, you can still achieve this functionality by using some workarounds. One approach is to add an additional field to your DatoCMS model that stores the position of each item. You can then use this field to sort the data in your GraphQL query.

Here is an example of how you can sort a list of items by their position in a DatoCMS model:

query {
allDatoCmsItem(sort: { fields: position, order: ASC }) {
nodes {

In this example, we are querying all items from a DatoCMS model called “Item” and sorting them by their “position” field in ascending order. By adding the “position” field to our query and specifying it as the sort field, we can ensure that the items are returned in the desired order.

Remember to adjust the field names and model names in the query to match your specific DatoCMS setup. You may also need to update the sorting order (ASC or DESC) based on your requirements.

By using this approach, you can effectively sort your data by position in a DatoCMS-powered Gatsby JS project. While it may require some extra setup and maintenance, it provides a viable solution for sorting data based on a specific field.

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