
Tutorial #3 on Next JS: Data Fetching with Next JS

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Next JS Tutorial #3 | Next JS Data Fetching

Next JS Tutorial #3 | Next JS Data Fetching

Welcome to the third tutorial in our Next JS series! In this tutorial, we will be covering data fetching in Next JS. Data fetching is an essential part of building modern web applications, and Next JS provides powerful tools to fetch data from various sources.

Client Side Data Fetching

Next JS makes it easy to fetch data on the client side using its built-in data fetching methods. You can use the getServerSideProps or getStaticProps functions to fetch data at runtime and pre-render the page with the fetched data. This allows for fast page loads and a great user experience.

Server Side Data Fetching

In addition to client side data fetching, Next JS also provides options for fetching data on the server side. You can use the getServerSideProps function to fetch data at the time of request, ensuring that the data is always fresh and up-to-date.

Static Data Fetching

If your data does not change frequently, you can use the getStaticProps function to pre-render the page with the data at build time. This can greatly improve the performance of your application by serving static HTML files to the client.

Fetching Data from External APIs

Next JS makes it easy to fetch data from external APIs using its built-in fetch capabilities. You can use the fetch function or any popular data fetching library to retrieve data from external sources and render it on your Next JS pages.


Data fetching is a crucial aspect of building modern web applications, and Next JS provides powerful tools to make it easy and efficient. Whether you need to fetch data on the client side, server side, or from external APIs, Next JS has you covered. We hope this tutorial has been helpful, and we can’t wait to see what you build with Next JS!

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