Tutorial: Creating a Fullstack AI Form Builder with Next JS, TypeScript, Drizzle ORM, React, OpenAI, and Stripe

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Fullstack AI Form Builder Tutorial with Next JS, TypeScript, Drizzle ORM, React, OpenAI, Stripe

Fullstack AI Form Builder Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will walk through how to build a fullstack AI form builder using Next JS, TypeScript, Drizzle ORM, React, OpenAI, and Stripe. This project will allow users to create custom forms that utilize AI to suggest and complete form fields, as well as process payments using Stripe.

Setting up the Environment

First, make sure to have Node.js and npm installed on your computer. Then, create a new project using Next JS with TypeScript support.

npx create-next-app@latest my-form-builder --typescript
cd my-form-builder

Implementing the Form Builder

We will use React to create a dynamic form builder interface. Users can drag and drop form fields, as well as customize field options.

Integrating OpenAI

OpenAI’s GPT-3 can be used to provide AI suggestions for form fields based on user input. We’ll utilize the OpenAI API to incorporate this feature.

Building the Backend with Next JS API Routes and Drizzle ORM

Next JS API routes will serve as the backend for our form builder, handling form submissions and data storage. We’ll use Drizzle ORM to interact with the database and manage form data.

Processing Payments with Stripe

Integrate Stripe to allow users to process payments within their forms. Stripe’s API will handle payment processing and secure transactions.


By following this tutorial, you’ll have a fully functional fullstack AI form builder that empowers users to create custom forms with AI suggestions and payment processing capabilities. This project showcases the power of modern technologies and demonstrates how to integrate various tools to build a robust application.

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4 months ago

Forgot to mention I am working on implementing Langchain with Nextjs, so more advanced AI concepts coming up, stay tuned!

4 months ago

does this even work?

is it me or does it just say exceeded quota immediately?
probably me. seems like a good tutorial but its broken before 30 minutes with openai errors about exceeding the quota

4 months ago

I'm on free tier plan, on making my first API call according to the tutorial I was told that I have exceeded my quota. And I just created my account this is my first ever call.


4 months ago

Thank You So Much

4 months ago

First time on this channel, Super good content !!

4 months ago

انا جابر مهندس برمجيات من الأردن 🇯🇴
فيديو جميل جدا استفت منه كثيرا شكر لك على مشاركه هذا الشروع المذهل معنا

4 months ago

This channel has amazing content!

4 months ago

could you provide test.env file, i ran into secret error

4 months ago

Outstanding example, learned some new things about next-auth which were escaping me.

4 months ago

or what extension is it

4 months ago

pls someone help me how to enable this kinda hint inside code, for example in your code there is "hint": (props: props) at 13:00

4 months ago

Wow, please do more typescript MERN full stack projects.

4 months ago

Thank you !

4 months ago

Amazing project, will start this tomorrow 🎉

1 request plzzz create a Production grade single vendor e-commerce web app(not like the current YouTube ones or the clones :)) with a beautiful gasp animated landing page to showcase main stream products.
To make it more in unique you can add a 3d Model of every product along with normal images and the main challenge will be then optimizing it.
With roles, full fledged admin panel having inventory, and other business functionalities, Beautiful UI, review system with rating and images review, Q/A of every product, order tracking system, Product recommendations, full fledged search, COD and online payment gateways 2-3, product page with detailed product descriptions with images etc and similar products.
An e-commerce app that the internet has never seen before.

Thanks in advance 😃

4 months ago
