Tutorial on creating a TensorFlow Keras model with mixed inputs

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In this tutorial, we will explore how to build a TensorFlow Keras model with mixed inputs. Mixed inputs refer to a scenario where your model takes in multiple types of data as inputs, such as numerical data, categorical data, and text data. In order to build a model that can handle mixed inputs, we will use the functional API of TensorFlow Keras.

Step 1: Import Necessary Libraries
First, we need to import the necessary libraries for building the model. Make sure to have TensorFlow and Keras installed. We will also need NumPy for data manipulation.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Dense, Embedding, LSTM
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
import numpy as np

Step 2: Generate Sample Data
For the purpose of this tutorial, let’s generate some sample data to work with. Suppose we have numerical data in the form of a 2D NumPy array, categorical data in the form of a 1D NumPy array, and text data in the form of a list of strings.

# Generate sample data
numerical_data = np.random.rand(100, 5)  # 100 samples of 5 numerical features
categorical_data = np.random.randint(0, 10, 100)  # 100 samples of categorical data
text_data = ['hello world', 'how are you', 'tensorflow keras is awesome']

Step 3: Define Input Layers
Next, we need to define the input layers for each type of data. We will use the Input layer from Keras for this.

# Define input layers
numerical_input = Input(shape=(5,), name='numerical_input')
categorical_input = Input(shape=(1,), name='categorical_input')
text_input = Input(shape=(1,), dtype=tf.string, name='text_input')

Step 4: Process Each Type of Input
Now, we will process each type of input separately before combining them in the model. For numerical data, we can simply pass it through a Dense layer. For categorical data, we can pass it through an Embedding layer. And for text data, we can use an Embedding layer followed by an LSTM layer.

# Process numerical input
numerical_output = Dense(10, activation='relu')(numerical_input)

# Process categorical input
embedding_output = Embedding(input_dim=10, output_dim=5)(categorical_input)
flattened_output = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(embedding_output)

# Process text input
embedding_layer = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(input_dim=1000, output_dim=16)(text_input)
lstm_output = LSTM(32)(embedding_layer)

Step 5: Concatenate Processed Inputs
Next, we will concatenate the processed inputs to combine them into a single vector representation.

# Concatenate processed inputs
concatenated_inputs = tf.keras.layers.concatenate([numerical_output, flattened_output, lstm_output])

Step 6: Define Output Layer
Finally, we will define the output layer of our model. In this example, let’s assume we are building a regression model.

# Define output layer
output_layer = Dense(1, activation='linear', name='output')(concatenated_inputs)

Step 7: Build the Model
Now, we can build the model using the Model class from Keras. We will specify the input and output layers in the model constructor.

# Build the model
model = Model(inputs=[numerical_input, categorical_input, text_input], outputs=output_layer)

Step 8: Compile and Train the Model
Before training the model, we need to compile it with an appropriate loss function and optimizer. We can then train the model using the sample data we generated earlier.

# Compile the model
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse')

# Train the model
model.fit(x={'numerical_input': numerical_data, 'categorical_input': categorical_data, 'text_input': text_data}, y=np.random.rand(100, 1), epochs=10)

In this tutorial, we have explored how to build a TensorFlow Keras model with mixed inputs using the functional API. By following these steps, you can create complex models that can handle various types of data inputs. Experiment with different architectures and hyperparameters to optimize the performance of your model for your specific use case.

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2 hours ago

Take my courses at https://mlnow.ai/!

2 hours ago

Helllo Greg, when I try the colab link, it cannot find the kaggle.json file. Any idea on how to resolve it? Thanks!

2 hours ago

great work and explanation much needed one

2 hours ago

I rally love your channel and your explanation, it's like to find the answer whenever I find a video for you

I have a question

input = whatever

x = whatever (input)

y = whatever (x)

is this correct for the parentheses goal ? it represent the previous layer

2 hours ago

He even looks like a Pokemon trainer

2 hours ago

Thank you very much ! As a college student who just started getting a grasp of the code behind these models this project was very insightful.

2 hours ago

Can we talk about a little doubt? Im tryng do to similar process but having some problems

2 hours ago

can anyone tell me how to get the files he uses in the video?

2 hours ago

hey man thank you very much! great tutorial 🙂 subbed!

2 hours ago

Not so traditaional, I like that.

2 hours ago

Hi Greg great tutorial! Could you possibly guide me on understanding how i could use a model created like this, to have just an image as an input to output a predicted 'HP'. Thanks.

Edit: I misunderstood and realised that this model cannot take an input of just an image to output the predicted 'HP', however what is the process in order for it to do so, just removing the feed-forward stream would suffice?

2 hours ago

Great Video! I am trying to learn ML in order to create a similar model. I was wondering if you what kind of role did the picture play? My model should consider the colors present in the picture and I didnt exactly got what was the role of the picture in this case

2 hours ago

this is very helpful and insightful, thank you very much (you've earned a new sub btw)

2 hours ago

Hi, thanks for this tutorial. Is mixed input also applicable to classification problem?

2 hours ago

Nice Explanation; I found an error like this "Layer "model_2" expects 2 input(s), but it received 1 input tensors. Inputs received: [<tf.Tensor 'IteratorGetNext:0' shape=(None, 30, 1) dtype=float32>]" while fitting the model. Can you figure out the problem here?

2 hours ago

Hi, Nice work. Appreciate your time. I have one problem when I scale it. I have 200000 images, each size is 224,224,3 , and after loading that when I use np.array the colab is crashed due to lack of memory. So, how to deal with such a situation?

2 hours ago

great insight! multimodal usecase solved

2 hours ago

Thank you for this. I've been stuck for a while and this one somehow works. I have a question though (maybe the answer is already in the video and I've missed it), does storing the image in npz format and basic jpg/png format have any difference when used in training the model like longer/shorter training time, lesser RAM usage, or something?

2 hours ago

Hi Greg, interesting video but how can I use flow_from_directory in Keras with muti inputs model like the one you showed. Thanks.

2 hours ago

Hi Greg ! do you think is possible to use something like vectorization instead of iterrows() for the creation of the npz ?

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