
Tutorial on creating a TodoList with CRUD functionality using ReactJS

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ReactJS Course – CRUD in React | TodoList Tutorial

ReactJS Course – CRUD in React | TodoList Tutorial


ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. In this ReactJS course, we will focus on implementing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality in React, specifically through building a TodoList application.

Getting Started

Before diving into CRUD operations, ensure you have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Familiarity with React concepts like components, state, and props is also beneficial.

To follow along with this tutorial, make sure you have ReactJS installed on your system. You can install ReactJS by using a package manager like npm or yarn. Run the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

$ npm install react or $ yarn add react

CRUD Operations in React

CRUD operations refer to the basic actions performed on data in a database or an application. In this tutorial, we will implement these operations in a TodoList application.

Create Operation

The first step is to design and create the user interface for adding a new Todo item. We will use React components to create the form where users can input their task. On form submission, we will handle the data and add the new task to the list.

Read Operation

After adding tasks, we need to display them in a list format. We will create a React component to render the task list. By iterating over the list of tasks, we can display them dynamically on the page. Additionally, we can implement features like filtering or sorting the tasks based on different criteria.

Update Operation

Users should be able to edit the existing tasks when needed. We will create an edit button for each task that opens a form where users can modify the task details. On form submission, we will update the task accordingly.

Delete Operation

To remove a task from the list, users will have the option to delete it. We will implement a delete button next to each task, and on click, the task will be removed from the list.


In conclusion, this ReactJS course focuses on implementing CRUD functionality in a TodoList application. By following the steps and building each operation, you will gain a deeper understanding of React’s core concepts and effectively manage data in your applications.

Remember to practice regularly and experiment with different features to enhance your skills and creativity as a React developer. Happy coding!

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Malcom Owilla
8 months ago

Concerning the id part u can also try this
const task ={
id: todoList.length+1,
taskName: newTask


setTodoList([…todoList, task])


techy Akram
8 months ago

pedro, you made it simple !!

Amir Khan
8 months ago

thanks Pedro, may God bless you for the time and effort you have put in. I am guessing we can also use the ternary operator in the complete task function, as you love using it 🙂

Ashutosh Singh
8 months ago

where is the CRUD stuff bro! this is only about delete things😢

juwon ayo
8 months ago

good video man had to watch a couple times but i understand roughly 90%

Aadi bhandwalkar
8 months ago

What will be the way if we are not passing the delete function as props?

8 months ago

your examples are very good for clearing concepts

function App(){
const [todoList, setTodolist] = useState([]);
const [newTask, setnewTask] = useState("");

const handleChange = (event) =>{
const addTask= () =>{

const newTodoList = […todoList, newTask];


return (
<div className="App">
<div className="addTask">
<input onChange={handleChange}/>
<button onClick={addTask}>Add task</button>
<div className="list">
{todoList.map((task) => {
return <h1>{task}</h1>

8 months ago

I didnt understood the ID and the completed task part can anyone help me with that

political news point
8 months ago

bro really you are a gem god bless you

8 months ago

Thanks man for this tutorial

Vladyslav Stadnyk
8 months ago

Why do you use const to functions?

Huzair Ahmed Khan
8 months ago

Bro help everything is going over my head you are fast

Frog Nation
8 months ago

this is the hardest episode yet 0_0 had to go 0.5x speed 0_0

Arun Kumar
8 months ago

Awesome Explanation Pedro

8 months ago

29:44 To fix this error shown in your console: `Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.` Make sure you add these changes to the code: <div className="list">

{todoList.map((task) => (

<div className="tasks" key={task.id}>



<button onClick={() => removeTask(task.id)}>X</button>





Set the key prop to {task.id} to give a unique id to each child. Hope this solves your problem.

8 months ago

kinda bit overwhelming lol but yea quite helpful♥

8 months ago

Nice tutorial and exercise 👍

Vartika Dehalvi
8 months ago

for deleting a task, you can simply do something like this const handleDelete = (index) => {
const updatedTasks = […tasks];
updatedTasks.splice(index, 1);
where index is the index of each element in the array that you grab from the map function

8 months ago

Thanks Pedro !!!!!.

Hassan Amin
8 months ago

i dont know about other youtubers but your react course is the best….