
Tutorial on Full Stack App Development: Connecting Django Backend to React.js Frontend

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Connect Django Backend to React.js Frontend – Full Stack App Development Tutorial

Connect Django Backend to React.js Frontend – Full Stack App Development Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will be learning how to connect a Django backend to a React.js frontend to create a full-stack web application. This tutorial assumes that you have a basic understanding of Django and React.js.

Setting Up the Django Backend

The first step is to set up a Django project and create a RESTful API using Django REST framework. Start by creating a new Django project and then create a new app within the project. Next, create a model and serializer for the data you want to represent in your application. After that, create views and URLs for your API endpoints. Finally, launch the Django development server to test that your API is working as expected.

Creating the React.js Frontend

Next, you will create the React.js frontend for your application. Start by setting up a new React project using create-react-app or another method of your choice. Once the project is set up, you can start building out the UI components for your application. Use tools like Axios or Fetch to make requests to your Django backend API to retrieve and display data within your React components.

Connecting the Backend to the Frontend

After you have a working Django backend and a React.js frontend, it’s time to connect the two. You can do this by making HTTP requests from your React components to the API endpoints you created in Django. Use the data you retrieve from the backend to populate your frontend components and create a smooth user experience.

Testing and Deployment

Once your application is working as expected, it’s time to test it thoroughly and then deploy it to a hosting platform of your choice. You can use platforms like Heroku, AWS, or DigitalOcean to deploy your full-stack application.


By following this tutorial, you have learned how to connect a Django backend to a React.js frontend to create a full-stack web application. Full-stack development can be challenging, but it’s a valuable skill to have in today’s tech industry. Keep building and learning, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a proficient full-stack developer!

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Cary Bondoc
10 months ago

This is great! There are certain typo error but using your repo helps me to troubleshoot!

Anjal Adhikari
10 months ago

Hello! It makes no difference if I don't use the ReactView and make only function based views right?

Fuad Palchayev
10 months ago

Thank you so much! Amazing video!!!

Graham Gideon
10 months ago

How do you deploy django react on cPanel

Wajd Wael
10 months ago

I have never watched other tutorials teaching how to do this in that easy, straightforward way, keep going we need more full-stack videos.

Ken Kioqqo
10 months ago

This was a nice gentle introduction to Django-React integration. I think I'll revisit it next week when I build the React frontend of my DRF project. Thanks man.

Trippy B
10 months ago

Is learning react necessary for django developer, Im learning projects in django with postgres as database, and bootstrap,js, jqueries for frontend.

William Castro
10 months ago

Very interesting, let me see if I understand what you did. Basically you created an API with Django and you are having React view the API which is created from Django. So React is using something called AXIOS to get the API which you created using Django.
I made a bunch of API's already with Django, I think about 12 now. All I need to do is learn React. Or would you recommend I learn more about Django before jumping into React? Still kind of new with Django only 5 months, thanks for the video Ben. I hope to learn more from you.

Hadi Jalalifar
10 months ago

Hi….. Despite a spelling mistake, how did the program continue without an error? 'coresheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware', in setting the correct is 'corsheaders ' …. ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'coresheaders' !!/.

Vasilis Plevris
10 months ago

Hello, i was following this turorial but at this time 15:58 my interface looks somewhat different
Instead of the two fields you have(employee and department) i have a field called "MediaType" which is a dropdown menu and then another field called "Content" which basically is a huge textbox to right things.
I am pretty sure i followed the tutorial correctly, but i can't figure for the life of me why the fields are different
Any ideas or solutions would be appreciated.

Edit:Also i don't have the Raw Data and HTML form options

PS: I am on windows 10 if that helps

10 months ago

Please tell me your vscode font family name ?

marc sl
10 months ago

thanks! do you think this would work the same as using django and elm?

Chaoshun Hu
10 months ago

I can't repeat the result. I can only get "Data Generated From Django" but no 3 items displayed.

10 months ago

Great video!

Nilesh Vishwekar
10 months ago

Nice explained

Pavan Varahad
10 months ago

Hi Bek, Thanks for making this.. ,explanation was too good , can you please make a video on how handle routing with this..

10 months ago

Works like a charm. Great video!

Abu Rayhan
10 months ago

that was good. but by this way i have to start two server every time. what about production? is there also going to be two server one for react and one for django?

JP Cam
10 months ago

This works without webpack and babble?

Marek Derlukiewicz
10 months ago

Hi Bek, I have prepared an app – backend in django and frontend in react; is there any possibility to publish it e.g. on github pages to see it working together? Or maybe there is another way to do this?