Python Tutorial – Speech Recognition (Personal Assistant)
In this tutorial, we will learn how to build a simple personal assistant using speech recognition in Python.
1. Installing the Required Libraries
First, you will need to install the necessary libraries. You can install them using pip:
pip install pyttsx3
pip install SpeechRecognition
pip install pyaudio
2. Setting up the Speech Recognition
Now, let’s create a Python script to set up the speech recognition and create our personal assistant:
import speech_recognition as sr import pyttsx3 # Initialize the speech recognizer recognizer = sr.Recognizer() # Initialize the text-to-speech engine engine = pyttsx3.init() # Function to speak the given text def speak(text): engine.say(text) engine.runAndWait() # Function to listen to the user def listen(): with sr.Microphone() as source: recognizer.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) audio = recognizer.listen(source) try: text = recognizer.recognize_google(audio) return text except sr.UnknownValueError: return "Sorry, I did not understand that." except sr.RequstError: return "Sorry, my speech service is down."
3. Using the Personal Assistant
Now that we have set up our personal assistant, let’s create a simple interaction using it:
speak("Hello! How can I help you?") text = listen() speak("You said: " + text)
That’s it! You now have a simple personal assistant that can listen to your voice commands and respond accordingly.
Feel free to expand upon this tutorial and add more functionalities to your personal assistant.
is "recognize_google" gone?
Hey hey! Does the keyboard python package work the same on Mac? I've never used it before, and it seems like you're working on windows.
Hey Josh, first let me say I am fairly new at all this coding and automation, but truly think it's the way ahead. After watching a few tutorials on virtual assistants and voice speechtotext videos, I am enjoying your playlist of tutorials the best, I am just on your 2nd video and saw you also include a video on custom OS commands. I guess my first question is I didn't see where you created a virtual environment for this program you wrote? But I do see you have a sh*tload going on in your editor. I'm guessing you have already downloaded all the required libraries for speechtotext and pyaudios?
Cool, but mine wont go past the "listening" step even tho I have set the timer
Great video, your the best coder around 👍
great vid