Tutorial: Utilizing Angular and MongoDB for Log-in and Web Tokens

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Log-in and Web Tokens with Angular and MongoDB – Tutorial

Log-in and Web Tokens with Angular and MongoDB – Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of implementing log-in functionality and web tokens with Angular and MongoDB. This will allow you to create a secure and efficient log-in system for your web applications.

Setting up the environment

Before we start, make sure you have Angular and MongoDB installed on your system. You can check if you have Angular installed by running the command ng --version. If not, you can install it using npm install -g @angular/cli. For MongoDB, you can download and install it from the official website.

Creating the Angular application

First, let’s create a new Angular application using the Angular CLI. Run the following command in your terminal:

        ng new angular-login-app

This will create a new Angular project with the name angular-login-app. Next, navigate to the project directory and run the command ng serve to start the development server.

Setting up the back-end with MongoDB

Now, let’s set up the back-end with MongoDB. Create a new directory for the back-end code and navigate to it in your terminal. Then, run the following commands to set up a new Node.js project and install the necessary dependencies:

        npm init -y
npm install express mongoose bcrypt jsonwebtoken

Next, create a new file called server.js and write the code to set up a basic Express server and connect to the MongoDB database. You can find examples of this code online or in the official documentation for Express and MongoDB.

Implementing log-in functionality and web tokens

With the back-end set up, you can now implement the log-in functionality and web tokens in your Angular application. Create a new component for the log-in form using the Angular CLI:

        ng generate component login

In the LoginComponent, you can use Angular’s built-in forms module to create a log-in form with fields for username and password. Use Angular’s HTTP module to send a POST request to the back-end server with the user’s credentials. If the credentials are valid, the server will generate a web token using the jsonwebtoken package and send it back to the client.

Storing and using web tokens

Once the client receives the web token, it can store it in the browser’s local storage or session storage for future use. You can also set up an interceptor in Angular to automatically attach the web token to any outgoing HTTP requests, ensuring that the user is authenticated for protected routes on the back-end.


By following this tutorial, you should now have a basic understanding of how to implement log-in functionality and web tokens with Angular and MongoDB. This will enable you to create secure and efficient log-in systems for your web applications, ensuring that only authorized users can access protected resources.