Ukraine challenges Putin by removing Soviet-era monuments from country

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Ukraine has made a bold move by taunting Russian President Vladimir Putin and removing Soviet-era monuments from its cities. This decision is a clear indication of Ukraine’s determination to break away from its Soviet past and assert its independence from Russia’s influence.

The removal of Soviet-era monuments is significant for Ukraine, as it symbolizes the country’s rejection of its ties to Russia and its communist legacy. The decision has sparked controversy and heated debate, but Ukraine’s leadership has stood firm in its resolve to remove these symbols of oppression and control.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has been vocal about his desire to move the country towards a more European future and away from the shadow of its Soviet past. The removal of these monuments is a powerful statement of Ukraine’s commitment to forging its own path and reclaiming its national identity.

The move has not gone unnoticed by Putin, who has condemned Ukraine’s actions as “vandalism” and accused the country of trying to erase its history. However, Ukraine has countered by emphasizing the need to move forward and create a new narrative that reflects the country’s aspirations for freedom and democracy.

The removal of Soviet-era monuments has also been met with mixed reactions from the international community. Some have praised Ukraine for taking a bold stance against its oppressive past, while others have criticized the decision as an attempt to rewrite history.

Regardless of the controversy surrounding this decision, there is no denying that Ukraine’s move to remove Soviet-era monuments is a powerful and courageous step towards reclaiming its national identity. It sends a clear message to Russia that Ukraine will not be held captive by its past and is determined to forge its own future.

Ultimately, Ukraine’s decision to taunt Putin and remove Soviet-era monuments is a bold and defiant move that highlights the country’s determination to break free from the shackles of its Soviet past. It is a symbolic gesture that asserts Ukraine’s independence and signals its commitment to creating a new, democratic future for its people.

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6 months ago

And Russia taunts and removes Ukraine. let's see who has the last laugh.

6 months ago

God bless Ukraines brave heroes!🇺🇦

6 months ago

K a pu tin

6 months ago

Первый дни легче было воевать с России, теперь Россия научились воевать, теперь тяжело воевать с России. Оружие НАТО Америке уже не помогают.

6 months ago

Childish desperation.

6 months ago

He will replaced with ukrainian flag

6 months ago

I find it funny because the Ukrainians themselves were Soviets and they have silenced and indoctrinated young and old to think that the USSR was very bad.

6 months ago

Cuting it down doesn't change history! Is this how bad the war is going for Ukraine. Was this cut down out of spite!!

6 months ago

What's next Lincoln ?

6 months ago

Putin is war criminal.

6 months ago

Quite a nice sculpture, that's the problem with memorials is politics change and go out of favour

6 months ago

My darling Vladimir will be so upset, he'll need man hugs!💋🇷🇺🌈

6 months ago

Warsaw was completely rebuilt by the Soviets after World War II. Then we need to tear it to hell!
The metro, all buildings, roads, universities, factories, nuclear power plants in Ukraine were built by the Soviets. Let them give up everything)))
if you rename streets, demolish monuments, then you are an occupier of this land!

By the way, Helsinki was built by the Russian Empire from a fishing village. buildings, roads, ports, universities – everything is Russian, even their statehood. Under the Swedes they had neither a language nor a state; they did not dare to raise their eyes.

The French and Britons did not build a single railway in their colonies. the water supply was blown up when they left the colonies. It would never even occur to them to teach the Aborigines.

6 months ago

Free Palestine 🇵🇸✌️

6 months ago

They cut the horse's calves off,why?

6 months ago

Just a publicity stunt by Zalensky in an effort to keep interest so he can continue to profit from the war and fly around the world paying the celebrity, whilst his people suffer.
He makes no attempt to end the war as it doesn't suit his agenda

6 months ago


6 months ago

Soon to be replaced with Mr Putin Statues, Monuments (TCB)…! Good move little Elensky, saved Russia a Job 😂🤣😂

6 months ago

Slava Rossiya! Z

6 months ago

Putin is simply beside himself, another monument was destroyed 🤣😂 Everyone in the Kremlin sits and worries😄😁