Ukraine funding denied by U.S. Congress

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The United States Congress has failed to approve funding for Ukraine, putting the country’s security and stability at risk. The failure to pass a spending bill for Ukraine comes at a critical time as the country continues to face aggression from Russia and ongoing tensions in the region.

The lack of funding for Ukraine is a disappointing setback for the country, which relies on international support to maintain its sovereignty and defend against Russian aggression. The U.S. has been a key ally in providing financial assistance and military aid to Ukraine, but the failure to pass a funding bill has left the country vulnerable to further Russian incursions.

In recent years, Ukraine has been a focal point of tensions between the U.S. and Russia, with the two countries engaging in a proxy war that has resulted in significant losses for Ukraine. The lack of funding from the U.S. Congress only serves to embolden Russia and weaken Ukraine’s ability to defend itself.

The failure to fund Ukraine also sends a troubling message to other allies and partners around the world. It undermines the credibility of the U.S. as a reliable and steadfast ally, and raises questions about the country’s commitment to supporting democracy and sovereignty in the face of authoritarian aggression.

Furthermore, the lack of funding for Ukraine undermines U.S. efforts to promote stability and security in the region. Without adequate support, Ukraine will struggle to address ongoing security challenges, bolster its military capabilities, and address the humanitarian crisis caused by the ongoing conflict.

It is imperative that the U.S. Congress takes immediate action to rectify this situation and provide the necessary funding for Ukraine. Failing to do so not only puts Ukraine at risk, but also undermines America’s standing as a global leader and advocate for democratic values.

The U.S. has a strategic interest in supporting Ukraine and standing firm against Russian aggression. Providing funding for Ukraine is not only a moral imperative, but also a strategic necessity to uphold stability in the region and prevent further Russian aggression.

Failure to provide funding for Ukraine not only harms the country’s ability to defend itself, but also weakens the credibility and influence of the U.S. on the global stage. It is crucial that the U.S. Congress prioritizes funding for Ukraine and fulfills its commitment to supporting Ukraine’s sovereignty and security.

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6 months ago

America is weak as never

6 months ago

I am a U.S. immigration lawyer. What makes the Repub border gambit even more outrageous, is that their demand is for the reinstitution of many Trump-era "border policies" that are, trust me on this, illegal or so extreme they border (pun intended) on being illegal. It's a disgrace.

6 months ago

Yeah they'd rather use their own boys to defend Nato countries rather than just help Ukraine. Which would help them, as 95% of funding stays in the US and would create jobs. The migration issue has not been resolved in 50 years. So it's just an excuse.

6 months ago

Hold up. You are suggesting that uncontrolled immigration at a porous boarder is good? That food security, healthcare, and physical for citizens and immigrants alike is secondary? Please just raise my taxes more so Americans can continue to be the world sugar daddy What a bunch of virtue signalling crap

6 months ago

this level of blackmailing is disgusting.

6 months ago

Everything America has fought for and created is now being thrown away. Im a Reagan Republican and the current maga Republicans is like a trip to Vegas with the monthly mortgage money. You can fo it, but it is a poorly thought out decision.

6 months ago

It's not hard to understand for me but maybe us English aren't so different to the Yanks – until the US southern border is secure Republicans aren't willing to give money to aid other nations security. I can see their point as a lot of US citizens are absolutely fed up of other nations seemingly being put before their own issues… while the southern border mess drags on and ridiculous amounts of people pour in many billions have gone abroad. This issue has been a concern for citizens since before Trumps 2016 campaign! Hope that helps you to understand.

6 months ago

It's easy to understand that we should do America first…. not Ukraine first. I'm all 100% behind helping Ukraine but I'm an American first and our Country is being invated at the Texas south border and the Democrats don't give a shit., they actually want this invasion.

6 months ago

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is very busy overplaying his hand. Chain sawing the treebranch he is sitting on himself. Apparently he never understood cartoon movies. Yet chainsaws are very dangerous tools…

6 months ago

In politics in the USA, this is called a "poison pill."
There is a strong majority of BOTH parties that support Ukraine. On that you are correct.

But it is the LEADERSHIP in the House of Representatives, threatened by the very few Republicans that do not support Ukraine, that is making excuses not to bring the bill to a vote. The problem is that the Republicans hold a very slim majority in the House. The last Speaker got thrown out because EIGHT members of his own party didn't support him. And it only takes FIVE, with the current make up of the House, to throw out the leader. So the Speaker becomes a hostage to just FIVE Republican members (out of 221). So, even though 180-190 support Ukraine, the few that don't are threatening to kick out the leader if he doesn't go along with them. Because, that's how they get what they want.

In BOTH chambers, the leader (Majority leader in the Senate and Speaker of the House in the House) decide which bills can be voted on.

That ONE person can block a bill…all by themselves.

In order to sound "reasonable", they will say "If the bill includes funding for OUR border protection, we will support it" This, after demanding that ALL bills in the House be "single issue bills". Except when it suits THEIR agenda.

The problem now is that most Democrats do NOT support funding to increase security at OUR border. And there goes the "majority of both parties" for Ukraine.

Will they compromise?

Most likely, the Democrats will compromise with something they know will not damage their interests and that the Republicans can "claim" they "won".

And THAT is where we are at. I think it WILL happen.

When? 🤷‍♂️

I predict it will happen fairly soon, before early March when the primary election season gets busy.

2024 is an election year. Do NOT expect much after that. Congress does NOT like to address anything controversial in an election year.

6 months ago

Are you blind to the connection?
We're defending Ukraine's border while intentionally erasing our own.
The cognitive dissonance of the Biden admin is without equal.

6 months ago

Let me help explain the situation we the United States are also being invaded by millions of soldiers, if you cannot understand that, you cannot understand why this upsets the vast majority of the American people, and you have no mind.
Also I must add, its odd the demorats care so much for the Ukraine border but not our own . Does this help to explain ???

6 months ago

For foreign audiences, this is not hard to understand.
Fact: A relatively small part of the US population sees its own government as a threat and prefers to cripple and attack it from within. Fact: Russia and foreign authoritarian governments have been waging a misinformation and propaganda campaigns to manipulate the political fringes of the US population. These fringes are the “tail that wags the dog” of the US government. Essentially, it is easy to sabotage and accept lies or stay uninvolved than to build and stay informed from responsible channels of information that do not provide easy, false explanations.
Fact: members of the US Congress are openly parroting propaganda from Russian government sponsored misinformation sites like Strategic Culture Foundation.
Fact: Because these fringe constituencies and politicians are basically the useful idiots of foreign actors and domestic figures cultivating the situation to their own personal advantage (amassing power at the expense of patriotism) and they are extremist enough to grind the gears of compromise and action to halt they can hamstring an industrial, economic, and military titan.

6 months ago

What to expect from a 2 parti system – that's bound to fail. Just one party from dictatorship. A real democracy consist of several parties so that the golden middel way can be found and happiness for all can be secured across the middle.

6 months ago

Why leave out the massive corruption of the government? Hundreds of Capitol protesters in jail for years without trials. Epstein and McAfee silenced in their jail cells before trial.
The J6 hoax? Read Julie Kelly's latest book about the J6 hoax.

6 months ago

Obviously, not as many Republicans support the war as you think…

6 months ago

What Republicans want most is to block whatever the Democrats want. The Democrats want to help Ukraine, so, even though they want it, too, the Republicans want more to block it.

6 months ago

America bad, Republicans bad, Europe good.

6 months ago

Quite easy to understand: the dems really want one of those things

6 months ago

American politics can be hard to understand from the inside as well.