Ukraine Strikes Putin’s 4000-Mile Chinese Weapon Rail Tunnel: An Update from The Frontline with Jerome Starkey

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In a dramatic and unprecedented move, Ukraine has reportedly bombed a 4,000-mile Chinese weapons rail tunnel that is believed to be used for transporting military equipment to Russia. This shocking act of aggression comes at a time when tensions between Ukraine and Russia have reached a boiling point, and it has the potential to escalate the conflict even further.

The bombing of the tunnel, which was first reported by The Frontline with Jerome Starkey, is a significant and bold move by Ukraine. It signals a clear message to Russia and its ally, China, that Ukraine will not stand idly by while they continue to threaten its sovereignty and security. The tunnel is believed to be a vital link in the supply chain for the Russian military, and by targeting it, Ukraine has struck a significant blow to their capabilities.

The decision to bomb the tunnel is likely to have far-reaching consequences. It is sure to provoke a strong reaction from both Russia and China, and it could lead to an escalation in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. However, it also sends a powerful message to the international community that Ukraine is willing to take bold and decisive action to defend its interests and protect its people.

The fact that Ukraine has taken this action is also a reminder of the growing complexity of the conflict in the region. As Ukraine continues to fight for its independence and sovereignty, it is not only facing off against Russia, but also against its powerful ally, China. The bombing of the tunnel is a clear sign that Ukraine is willing to take the fight to both of these adversaries, and it is a strong signal that they will not back down in their struggle for freedom and security.

The implications of this move are likely to be felt far beyond the borders of Ukraine. It could lead to a further deterioration of relations between Russia, China, and the West, and it could also have a significant impact on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The international community will need to pay close attention to the fallout from this bombing and be prepared to respond to any further escalation in the conflict.

Overall, the bombing of the 4,000-mile Chinese weapons rail tunnel by Ukraine is a bold and significant move that has the potential to reshape the dynamics of the conflict in the region. It is a clear message to Russia and China that Ukraine will not be cowed, and it could lead to further escalation in the conflict. The international community must be prepared to respond to this development and work towards a peaceful resolution of the crisis in Ukraine.

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8 months ago

If the United States government would pull their head out of their ass, Ukraine probably would have won this war a long time ago. Unfortunately our current president is so stupid and senile that he barely knows what day or time it is not less what's going on in this country or the world. Just another puppet running the free country.

8 months ago

Oh my..that’s gonna hurt.

8 months ago

Great report Jerome
Ukraine already win the war

8 months ago

I can't even believe Russians are still attacking Ukraine. Ridiculous.

8 months ago

top jongens👍

8 months ago

Wish I found this 2 weeks or more before this

8 months ago

uckraine can use russian made land mines in these railways..3000 miles is impossible to guard..specially if your enemies speak similar languages..ukcraine has nothing more to loose..that is a dangerous enemy.

8 months ago

This China's unlimited military help for the Russian war annexations will end the time EU sanctions be applied to every Chinese trade. Cancel all EU BRI agreement once & for all.

8 months ago


8 months ago

GW Bush shut down "Project Impact", during his first outdoor speech, in the Spring of 2001, before 9/11.
It's goal was, "to build disaster resistant communities!"

8 months ago

FEMA recommends that all communities maintain secondary EOCs!
(Secondary "Primary" Emergency Operations Centers, for gov.).
Within, "Disaster and Emergency Services" / "Civil Defense"!
But; you civilians are "civil defense", whether you like it, or not!
You can build that secondary, for "We…"!
"We" can use that, to build our own, so to help "them", as needed!
But, moreso, to help "we" be "We…"!
"They" have "their's" (through taxation).
(So, "they" survive, as "continuity of government"!).
(Blast proof, Fallout protected… Cozy!…

This is your CCMCs.
Comprehensive Contingencies Management capabilities!

Note: "They" primarily handle two, of the four phases of contingencies management: Preparedness and Response!
Our system will serve all four: Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery!
Through "their" "Integrated [Contingencies] Management System"…
"Which includes all sectors: Public, Private, and Gov."

Note, that "active and passive civil defense are integral to national security posture" (OCD, 1964).
Note: We millions of Vets, scattered throughout neighborhoods, for an SOP! (Civilians!).

Create a basic "Matrix NGO"!
For neutral / objective liaison and logistics.
With Tech and Networking assets.

Call the "Operations Section"…
DES – "Support, Systems, and Services"
Label the NGO… DEMOS
[Democratic Emergency Management, Operations,cane Services?]

"Minutemen, Women, Kids, Elders…"!
"Muster" / gather, from "home"! (A device.).
For resolving crucial issues!
Neighborhood incident management!
Comprehensive Contingencies Management!

8 months ago

Watch… PBS: pt 2…
… "Half the Sky"… FET
And: "Meet John Doe"
… (Gary Cooper / Barbara Stanwick).
[Mix the possibilities.].
A matrix NGO, with FET Vets.

8 months ago

The "forum" you want is a restored "civil -defense" / comprehensive contingencies-management system.

8 months ago

QRF champions requested…
… To restore our "active and passive civil-defense."
Comprehensive contingencies-management capabilities.
Standing by…

8 months ago

😂 The SUN thinks that we all don't know geography . To reach the east of Russia, Ukraine army will need advance stealth aircrafts or ballistic missiles. This is a big propaganda 😂 Russia have 11 time zones and Moscow is only in the 3rd😂

8 months ago


8 months ago

If this is the truth. And hope not. This isn't Ukraine doing. Is all about nato hand work. And also you need a little bit of knowledge. Which you're lack of of it. How could you call an elections we voted to join our father land as an occupied?

8 months ago

Europe is a washed out failure
Now that they have a new cause, Ukraine will be abandoned. Anyone who thought Europe/Nato had enough testicles to really confront Russia is severely delusional.
After 50yrs of cold war and wishy-washy liberal politics, western Europe is on the fast track to becoming irrelevant

8 months ago

This railway line runs 500 miles NORTH of the Trans Siberian line? North Korea is SOUTH of Russia. He might be a Defence correspondent, but he should go back to school and learn Geography!

8 months ago

Churchill said to the Polish people, rise up against the germans and we will send troops, he new fine well he was not sending any troops, and the Polish were massacred.