Ukraine’s Zelenskyy: War with Russia Enters New Phase as Winter Approaches – AP Interview

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In a recent interview with The Associated Press, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy discussed the current state of the conflict with Russia, stating that the war has entered a new phase as winter approaches. Zelenskyy’s comments come amid escalating tensions and reports of increased Russian military activity near the Ukrainian border.

During the interview, Zelenskyy expressed concern about the potential for a full-scale invasion by Russia, citing the buildup of Russian troops and military equipment along the border. He emphasized the need for continued international support and solidarity in the face of the ongoing threat posed by Russia.

Zelenskyy also highlighted the impact of the conflict on the civilian population, particularly as winter approaches. He noted the strain on Ukraine’s economy and infrastructure, as well as the humanitarian challenges posed by the displacement of thousands of people in the region.

The Ukrainian president called for a diplomatic resolution to the conflict, emphasizing the importance of negotiations and dialogue in de-escalating the situation. He reiterated Ukraine’s commitment to a peaceful resolution and its desire to avoid further bloodshed.

Zelenskyy’s remarks underscore the urgency of the situation in Ukraine and the potential for a further deterioration of the conflict as winter looms. The interview serves as a reminder of the ongoing threat posed by Russia and the need for continued international attention and support for Ukraine.

As the situation in Ukraine continues to evolve, it is essential for the international community to remain vigilant and engaged in efforts to address the crisis. The AP interview with President Zelenskyy provides valuable insight into the current state of the conflict and underscores the importance of a coordinated and measured response to the ongoing threat posed by Russia.

In conclusion, President Zelenskyy’s comments in The Associated Press interview serve as a timely reminder of the escalating tensions in Ukraine and the need for continued international attention and support. As the conflict enters a new phase and winter approaches, it is essential for the international community to remain united in its efforts to address the crisis and work towards a peaceful resolution.

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6 months ago

Show must go on

6 months ago

Zelensky crazy for the money.

6 months ago

A defeated man.

6 months ago

Zelensky will be the loser 😂

6 months ago

The US is in 33 trillion debt and getting worse and we wont have social security in 10 years and biden wants more billions yo Ukraine, no way

6 months ago

Ukraine is a lost cause. We need to figure out a way for Ukrainians to work off the 200 billion they owe the US.

6 months ago

This guy is a con man ….

6 months ago

Give me money and weapons, pay me your taxes slaves of the West

6 months ago

Correction: Zelensky is a war loser, not a war leader.

6 months ago

I think that the USA will still support Ukraine 🇺🇦 . Dont ask me why, but Im sure they will. At least as long as Biden is President.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Phuque Ukraine. It’s on the continent of Europe. Encourage the European countries to support the comic Zelensky!

6 months ago

The beggar zionist

6 months ago

Hey look, Beggensky is back on tour. He also just released a remaster of his "Gemme Money" album.

6 months ago

Lol.. 😂Comedians..

6 months ago

If they want to be an EU state then let the EU take care of them. They are so adamant about being independent but can't even defend themselves without the help of every country in the world! The average citizen has enough problems as is, what does Ukraine offer us? Nothing!

6 months ago

I thought Putin would have given up

6 months ago

Someone tell this clown it’s over he can stop sending woman to the front line.

6 months ago

He is living in LA LA land.

6 months ago

Ukraine is done. The engine has run out of steam. Winter will be brutal .