Ukrainian Forces Destroy Three Russian Tanks in War with Ukraine

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In the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the Ukrainian forces have struck a blow against their Russian counterparts as three tanks belonging to the Russian military were destroyed in a recent skirmish.

The incident took place near the town of Avdiivka, in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, which has been a hotbed of fighting since the conflict began in 2014. The Ukrainian forces were reportedly able to target the Russian tanks with precision and accuracy, resulting in their destruction.

The Ukrainian military has claimed responsibility for the attack, stating that it was a necessary defensive measure against the aggressive actions of the Russian forces. They have also accused the Russian military of escalating the conflict and violating the terms of the Minsk agreements, which were intended to bring about a peaceful resolution to the crisis in eastern Ukraine.

The destruction of the Russian tanks is a significant development in the conflict, as it demonstrates the capabilities of the Ukrainian forces and their determination to defend their country’s sovereignty. It also sends a clear message to Russia that the Ukrainian military is capable of striking back against their aggression.

The incident has once again brought international attention to the ongoing war in Ukraine, which has resulted in thousands of deaths and the displacement of millions of people. The conflict shows no signs of abating, and the destruction of the Russian tanks is likely to further escalate tensions between the two countries.

The United States and European Union have condemned Russia’s actions in Ukraine and have imposed sanctions in response to their involvement in the conflict. The destruction of the Russian tanks is likely to garner further support for Ukraine from the international community, as they continue to seek a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

The Ukrainian government has reiterated its commitment to defending its territory and has called for increased support from the international community. They have also expressed their willingness to engage in diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict, but have made it clear that they will not hesitate to defend themselves against further aggression from Russia.

The destruction of the three Russian tanks serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing war in Ukraine and the devastating impact it has had on the country and its people. It is a powerful symbol of the Ukrainian forces’ determination to resist Russian aggression and fight for their independence.

As the conflict in Ukraine continues to unfold, it is imperative for the international community to support efforts to bring about a peaceful resolution to the crisis and to hold those responsible for the aggression and devastation in Ukraine accountable. The destruction of the Russian tanks is a small victory for the Ukrainian forces, but the road to peace and stability in Ukraine remains long and challenging.

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6 months ago

Cant be verified.

Uhuh Ghost of Kiev at it again

6 months ago

funny how those ukranian victory,s keep on getting closer and closer to Kyiv

6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago

Zelensky lost the counteroffensive. But he won in the nomination of the publication Politico – the main dreamer 😂

6 months ago

Meanwhile deep inside his Kremlin Bunker: "Everything in accordance with the plan."

6 months ago

СЛАВА РОССИИ ❤ СЛАВА НАШИМ ДОБЛЕСТНЫМ ВОЕННЫМ !!! как бы украина не тужилась , ей ПИПЕЦ 😅

6 months ago

В эти трудные дни, когда народ Израиля находится в страшном кризисе, с разбитым сердцем, у нас может быть лишь одно устремление: забыть обо всех разногласиях между нами и соединиться поверх всех различий, именно несмотря на них. Это то, что приведет всё к исправлению.

До сих пор можно слышать взаимные обвинения, кто виноват в происходящем и откуда все началось. Но вина лежит на всех нас – каждый должен почувствовать, что эта катастрофа произошла и до сих пор продолжается именно из-за него. Каждый обязан так чувствовать и не обвинять других, а только себя – ведь он виноват в том, что не действовал во всю силу ради того, чтобы раскрыть связь между нами.

Поэтому нам, народу Израиля, нужно объединиться как один человек с одним сердцем.

Изменить ситуацию к лучшему возможно лишь одним способом – путем нашего объединения. В конце концов, всё человечество должно соединиться в одну систему, которая называется "Адам", один человек.

Казалось бы, о каком объединении может идти речь, когда есть такая вражда и разногласия партий и мнений. Но внутри каждого человека живут враги, разные партии и мнения. Все мы включаем в себя всех, и каждый человек содержит в себе всё существующее в мире. И несмотря на всё это, нам нужно всем объединиться и каждому почувствовать себя ответственным за мир во всем мире.

В итоге, нужно достичь такого состояния, когда наше объединение будет превыше всех ограничений, выше всех помех.

6 months ago

Last warning…Stop calling it a war or loose 59000 views a video. It’s Russia’s invasion.

6 months ago

The Special Military Tank Decommissioning is going as planned

6 months ago

Wish the west EU yanks and the poodle uk sit down and negotiate peace deal with Russia. It's not hard , putin will talk and negotiate but he won't risk russian security by allowing eukraine to join nato or EU, which is exactly what usa would do if Cuba had tried to align its self with the Warsaw pact 60 years ago, oh forgot they did, and threatened the world with nuclear war

6 months ago

Russian Tanks are expendable. Ukraine sacrifices their $400 drones every day.

6 months ago

That's somebody's son in there… it's not a video game…. people who have never fought a war won't understand

6 months ago

Слава Украине! Смерть российским фашистам!

6 months ago

Based on YT, we won all the battles, but how come we are losing the war? Something went wrong?

6 months ago

Yes,let's hope, to the comment below. The Sun seems to have far more up to date clips and information than most other British media. How come? Am I imagining this? Well done .

6 months ago


6 months ago

У нас этих танков – Н А В А Л О М !!! Мы их не клянчим , сами делаем !

6 months ago

Ukraine will be free of the invaders !