Ukrainian Tankers Reveal the Harsh Reality of Tank Warfare

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Ukrainian Tankers Expose BRUTAL Reality of Tank Combat!

Tank warfare has long been regarded as one of the most brutal and devastating forms of combat, and recent events in Ukraine have brought this harrowing reality into sharp focus. As the conflict in the country rages on, Ukrainian tankers have found themselves on the front lines, facing off against enemy forces in intense and deadly battles.

The experiences of these tankers have shed light on the brutal nature of tank combat, revealing the physical and psychological toll it takes on those involved. In interviews with Ukrainian tank crews, they have described the terrifying and chaotic nature of tank warfare, where split-second decisions can mean the difference between life and death.

One Ukrainian tank commander, who asked to remain anonymous, recounted a particularly harrowing experience in which his tank came under heavy fire from enemy forces. “Bullets were flying everywhere, and it felt like the tank was shaking apart,” he said. “We had to stay focused and keep our cool, even as the world outside was exploding.”

The toll of battle extends beyond just the immediate danger of combat. Tank crews must also contend with the physical strain of operating heavy machinery in high-stress environments. The constant vibrations and jolts of the tank can lead to fatigue and physical discomfort, making it even more challenging to maintain focus during combat.

Furthermore, the psychological impact of tank warfare cannot be overstated. Witnessing the destruction and devastation caused by tank battles can take a heavy toll on the mental well-being of tank crews. The constant fear of death and the loss of comrades can lead to significant emotional trauma, affecting the mental health of those involved long after the battle has ended.

Despite the physical and psychological challenges they face, Ukrainian tankers remain steadfast and resolute in their commitment to defending their country. Their bravery and determination in the face of such brutal conditions serve as a stark reminder of the sacrifices made by those who serve in the armed forces.

The experiences of Ukrainian tankers also serve as a sobering reminder of the horrific toll of war on those directly involved. As the conflict in Ukraine continues, it is important to remember the human cost of such brutal and devastating forms of combat and to support those who bear the burden of such harrowing experiences.

In conclusion, the experiences of Ukrainian tankers have brought to light the brutal reality of tank combat, shedding light on the physical and psychological toll it takes on those involved. Their bravery and commitment in the face of such brutal conditions serve as a stark reminder of the sacrifices made by those who serve in the armed forces. It is crucial to remember the human cost of war and to support those who bear the burden of such harrowing experiences.

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6 months ago

The Zero Sugar Energy Drink Alternative!

6 months ago

What's going to replace them? The Mark 1 infantryman is vulnerable to pretty much everything on the battlefield, but they don't get replaced because there's nothing else that can do their job.

Battleships were replaced not because they were vulnerable (a WW2 battleship still took a lot more effort to neutralise than ship classes currently in service, and even with modern weaponry they'd probably be a PITA to take out, especially if they had modern active defences PLUS the armour) but because for the resources that it takes to deploy and operate them, there are more efficient options to do the majority of what they did (carriers and smaller missile-armed ships). People have been predicting the demise of the tank with every new antitank weapon system since World War 2, but it won't happen until there's something else that can do a better job of performing the same functions. There'll always be a need for something capable of providing significant direct fire support and which forces the enemy to bring heavier weaponry than is needed to deal with mechanised infantry.

6 months ago

It appears the day of the tank being the king of the battlefield has ended and the combat drone has taken its place

6 months ago

those spikes look like mine clearers you can see big hinged points above them in the centre of the tank you wouldn't want them deployed 24/7 i imagine it makes them piss fuel as well as digging up everything they drove over not so good when you go back to base for repairs, fuel, maintenance

6 months ago

Very cute thumbnail picture
Us combat veteran 😂

6 months ago

It may become a reality, but would NATO tanks supported by NATO air and EWar assets have the same problem?

6 months ago

Vladolf Pootler thought he could roll into Ukraine with his superior number of tanks and repeat the battle of Kursk. Pootler is still fighting WW2 aganst the Nazis. He forgot that the USA and the UK supplied the Zoviets with 1000's of tanks and aircraft. Now he is fighting against these same forces and against part of the former Zoviet Union and the Germans, Italians and Japanese are United against the Zoviets. We are living thru an historic era. How times change !!!???

6 months ago

BRUTAL Reality….😂😂…and don't forget…Russians are using just shovels!…GO Z!

6 months ago

6 months ago

About 10 years ago I remember having a conversation with a friend about military stuff and I told him if I had to serve on the front I wouldn't want to be in a tank. He disagreed since as infantry you're exposed to artillery shrapnel and I get that, but my argument was that as an infantryman you're a random target while as a tanker you are THE target. You are actively being hunted and targeted first.

6 months ago

1 Years ago we thought "tank is obsolete is cringe" because it was russia's bad excuse for failed attack and now we somehow have to say tank is obsolete to excuse ukraine's failure. I don't think not even 200~300 tank could change the battlefield meagingfully and isn't it too early for fool ourselves to say such big words?

6 months ago


6 months ago

Those claw arm ARE for clearing mines. The arms in the inside lower the claws to the ground.

6 months ago

Tanks aren't done on the battlefield. They just need a redesign

6 months ago

I personally think that the Design ides behind the never finished Swedish MBT STRV 2000 will be were MBT's will go as it had a Main 140mm main gun and a secondary 40 mm Bofors gun which we see on CV90.
The secondary armament was also able to fire at air targets.
Also the design behind STRV 103 would have worked quite well in Ukraine with its focus on shoot and scoot and its capability to be used as a medium sized howlitzer at short to medium range.

i think it will end up with two diffrent design trees.

1. MBTs closer in design to STRV 103 and STRV 2000.

2. SPG's with a bigger focus on protection, Mobility and Multipurpose guns.

Think FH77 Archer but instead of a Volvo 6×6 Dumper Think BV410's steering system but with dual CV90 chassies or dual STRV103 chassies.

Best regards.

6 months ago

For price of one modern tank you can produce 1000+ deadly drones. With artificial intelligence and computer vision in drones even infantry is obsolete

6 months ago

what is your military experience?

6 months ago

That's why drones are the evolution from Airplanes and Bombers into smaller strategic arms. Next development that will alter the field is how to deal with land mines. Ukraine already advanced it by using thermals and others are doing AI to predict. What I believe more possible is a mass deployment of anti-mine carpet explosive munitions dropped far away to clear multiple avenues to plow through. Imagine carpet bombing not to clear infantry but to clear pathways for fast, light or medium armored, mechanized infantry. Tanks can support to snipe infantry with advanced munitions programmable to arc and explode where needed without perfect direct line of sight. Storming small groups of hostiles with superior suppression and speed is the future. Gone are the days of mass mobilization and mass congregations of troops. We destroyed the normal with precision fire and higher levels of visibility via intelligence gathering. Mass breakthroughs are irrelevant while consistent progress over long periods of times is success. Combined warfare cannot occur unless overwhelming air forces exist to perform multiple support activities – EW (harms radar tracking abilities), bombing, anti-air, anti-radar (HARM for radar destruction), and air-to-ground strikes. Ukraine has it right with logistics destruction, intelligence destruction, leadership elimination, ambushing, and spec ops for dilemma generation. The dumber, less skilled , less prepared, and more distracted of an enemy the better. Being unable to respond to all situations means giving up on certain situations by the enemy and equals success for Ukraine. Many battles may not always be won but the war has a trend of success for Ukraine. Innovations from Ukrainians are the USA's return on investment and profit from continued support. France helped the USA become a thing and we supported them in the world wars. There will be a time Ukraine will join the USA to help us in our need if only we don't fail them in their fight for freedom from genocide.

6 months ago

Any testing on Cortisol levels with use if the gum?

6 months ago

Tanks are essentially obsolete against air superior force progection, EW and artillery a whole new doctrine is being written.