
Unbounded: A Framework Beyond the Limitations of React

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This Framework Does What React Can’t

This Framework Does What React Can’t

If you’re a web developer, chances are you’ve heard of React. It’s a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, known for its performance and flexibility. However, there are certain things that React can’t do on its own. That’s where this new framework comes in.

This new framework, let’s call it “X-Framework,” is designed to address the limitations of React. Here are some of the key features that set it apart:

  • Native performance: While React is known for its performance, X-Framework takes it to the next level. It utilizes advanced optimizations to ensure that your web applications run smoothly and efficiently.
  • State management: Managing state in React can sometimes be a challenge, especially as your application grows in complexity. X-Framework provides robust tools for managing state, making it easier to develop and maintain your applications.
  • Server-side rendering: React is great for client-side rendering, but X-Framework offers seamless server-side rendering as well. This allows for improved SEO and initial page load performance.
  • Rich component library: X-Framework comes with a rich set of pre-built components, making it easy to build complex user interfaces without reinventing the wheel.

These are just a few examples of how X-Framework addresses the limitations of React. Whether you’re building a small personal project or a large-scale enterprise application, this framework has the tools you need to succeed.

In conclusion, while React is a powerful and popular library, it’s not without its limitations. That’s where X-Framework comes in, offering advanced solutions to take your web development to the next level.

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4 months ago

every one is trying to reinvent react. nothing new or different.

4 months ago

I’ve built a lot with qwik and it’s excellent.

4 months ago

you found it huh~
what about solidjs tho?

4 months ago

The most important imho is resumability concept, that means the framework doesn't require hydration so is lightweight and the most fast framework by default.

4 months ago

For these reasons I actually prefer using Solid instead of React

4 months ago

My main issue with other promising frameworks such as Qwik, Solid, Svelte etc is that their ecosystems are so much smaller and they don't offer any mobile alternatives to React Native and since mobile is the main way people consume the internet nowadays I feel like none of these other contenders can replace React without tackling the mobile aspects.

4 months ago

Great video Josh! We have lots more cool features 😃

4 months ago

For Optimised Performance – $

4 months ago

Doesn't solid do this better?

4 months ago


4 months ago

why people go out of their way and make weird ass syntax. like $ suffix…

4 months ago

Thanks for the quick tutorial :D. Please make one on Turborepo & microfrontends.

4 months ago

Thanks for sharing

4 months ago

Best feature: it has a react component wrapper, to Qwickify them.

4 months ago

Wow amazing for performance I think. I liked actually it's syntax and re-rendering issues. Time will show how will be its growth. And I am ready anytime to change and get used to new trend tech. Thanks for useful sharing 🙏

4 months ago

I am glad people are starting to think about how to improve interacting with state. I have been building a tooling library with Redux and had to fight back tears a couple times when otherwise simple components give you 4th dimensional errors for a boolean like isAuthenticated? Not sure if this is the solution but I will support anyone trying.

4 months ago

Thank you so much for information, dear Josh!!

4 months ago

Every time you increment count value, the counter of hidden elements in console increments also, so there is some sort of feedback

4 months ago

So we must migrate our apps right?😅

4 months ago

Qwik for the win 🥳